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Trying to find the lost kiss

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I have been best friends with this girl for about a year. A couple months ago I told her I had feelings for her and she said that she had feelings for me. She didn't want them to get in the way though, just like they did with her last ex, which was also her bestfriend.


Reason being, now he refuses to speak to her. I stubbornly pushed the issue, didnt kiss her when she practically told me to, and now she claims she has no more feelings for me and I feel like I lost my chance forever. Even though I very well may be in love with her, I decided that I needed to cut off the excessive communication (she calls me every day just to talk for hours, and she practically doesn't call anyone else).


The other night she called me to question why we havent been talking, and then read me someone she wrote a couple months ago. It said how I am the greatest and without me she would be lost. She is just confusing me. I have these feelings for her and I just want to kiss her more than anything.


So what I am asking is did I really lose my chance? Even though she told me that she likes me only as a best friend, does that mean now that I cannot kiss her? It drives me crazy that she says she doesn't like me anymore, then sleeps over and spoons with me for the entire night, tells me I'm the greatest, and that I am different from all the other guys, but yet she wants nothing more from me.


Any advice would be greatly appreciated. Especially from you ladies who have been in similar situations with best guy friends.

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I do not think you hav elost your chance..... whats going on with her is rejection no bady likes the way that feels. Show her that you want her and I am 100% sure she will try to act uninterested but let happen. it will.

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Thanks for your response, but maybe I wasnt entirely clear with my initial posting. She tells me she likes me, then after I dont kiss her she tells me she doesnt like me anymore and stays firm on that. So I cut off communication and she comes back with how I am the greatest, spoons with me and then still claims she has no feelings for me. Should I just let this one go? It just feels hard cause I love her and shes my bestfriend and I just wanted more than anything to get in that kiss.

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