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Military man single and depressed.

I'm 22 and in the military. I joined straight out of high school where I usually always had a girlfriend. I was never sexually active but I'm not a virgin. I've been in for 3 years now and I havent had a girlfriend since. People around me are getting married or having kids or are in healthy relationships. I'm always the third wheel and I've really started to only want to do things alone because of it. I'm going through this phase of thinking I'm going to die alone. I can't talk to girls and girls in the military constantly have guys at their feet. I'm not hideous but I am balding. I'm not fat but I'm not cut or skinny. I'm really funny and that's all I feel I have mastered. My fear of failing with women keeps me from trying. I don't know what why I can't get over this. I feel like crying to someone but I'm in a world of alpha dogs that have healthy adult relationships. What's wrong with me? Sex isn't even a main driving force anymore; I just want someone!

I think my military lifestyle is actually killing my chances. I'm in the navy so I'm gone a lot, I'm never in one place for long, and the women I interact with on a daily basis are always fending off guys.

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I guess the question you asked here is - "What's wrong with me?"


Well you asked and answered it when you wrote - "I think my military lifestyle is actually killing my chances. I'm in the navy so I'm gone a lot, I'm never in one place for long"


Young man relax, complete your military service, settle down somewhere, establish your career, and you'll be fine. Leave the military girls alone and look for a regular woman. There's plenty options out there if you're as funny as you think you are.

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Military girls are a mess, stay away from them (yes I was in the Navy so I can say this LOL). I like to call them "desert dimes". They think they are 10's while deployed because the men have very few choices and fill their heads with crazy talk but in actuality back home, they are only a 3-4.


I dont think the military is hindering your chances, it sounds like you are. Join a dating site, find some single friends to hang out with. You are young and your same age friends who are getting married and settling down - if they are military too - will probably be split up before you can finish your enlistment (been there, done that too)

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