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Where is his head at?

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First, HI I am new to this site... First thank you in advance for any advice you can offer up. I am in a bit of a pickle with this relationship. We started off as friends... then started dating. When he asked me if we could be fwb I told him that's not what I want in my life right now... looking for something more substantial. (He is quite a bit younger than I) We continued dating and I would get scared throughout this time and try to go back to just being friends, however he would continue pursuing. About a month ago we met for lunch and I told him I think we want different things and are at different places in our lives. He says we want the same things, but it's not a good idea to rush into things. I totally agreed with him because I don't want to rush into anything either. The last few weeks have been incredible... he's been an absolute sweetheart and finally letting his guard down with me... trying to prove to me he's not just in it for the physical aspect. He has been working on bettering himself in the career department so that he can be on more of an equal playing field. (This is all his decision and motivation). We have so much compatibility going for us in every department and we have both seem a glimpse at how amazing things can be between us. (I may have left some parts out so let me know if you have any questions). Here's the tricky part... He posts on his facebook, "I wonder what my future wife looks like?" I text him asking if that was supposed to be his passive way of telling me he doesn't see this going anywhere. He says no, we are supposed to be on the "DL" (because we work together). I got really upset and said that even if we are supposed to be on the dl that was rude, unnecessary and I couldn't continue seeing him if he was going to do hurtful things like that, and said I don't appreciate being made a fool. Instead of apologizing he told me I was tripping and my reaction was overboard. He told me it was just a meaningless post to get a reaction from ppl to see what they would say. I told him even thought it was meaningless to him it shows where his heart is at and he didn't take my feelings into consideration. He finally apologized and told me it wasn't his intention to hurt me. I continued to tell him my concerns about us moving forward and he thinks that I'm taking it overboard. His last remark was he didn't know what to say at this point. I really feel like this is his moment to tell me just how he feels and why he wants to move things forward. I didn't respond for the rest of the day and let us both rest on it. This morning I woke up and sent him a message telling him I forgive him. Now it's in his court... Idk should I just move on? (easier said than done). Or should I try hard to work this out with him? Where do you think his head is at? Thanks :rolleyes:

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I think you definitely over react. You are a bit sensitive. It might drive him further away. If I have a girl who reacts like that, I would be afraid to go further.

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