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Reading over my old LDR posts...

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So yeah, I was reading over my old posts from when I first joined a few years back. The ones about my pseudo LDR. Haha...oh how naive I was only a few short years ago.


I seriously had/have no idea what a LDR entails....no idea what love is either. I just recently turned 30 (still against this horrid age lol) and I can't believe at age 26 I was professing my love for a guy I had never met and was willing to drop everything to go by myself to a new place to meet him. Oi...I cringe at the thought of it. I'm so embarrassed by my naievity. Not saying I'm anywhere near perfect now...still have a lot of growing up to do. But at that time, I was just...lost, confused, in lust and very very naive.


I'm not saying anything bad about anyone here because I realize some of you met your SO this way. There is absolutely nothing wrong with it and it can work out as many of you have proven. So please...not trying to step on anyones toes. I was just in the wrong mindset at the time. Doing it for the wrong reasons.


Anyway, this wasn't supposed to be some long, drawn out speech. I just really wanted to commend you guys for truly going the distance! (pun intended) I admire each and every one of you. It can't be easy what you went through and what most of you are still going through. It gives me hope that it can happen if it's meant to be.


Wish you all the best and I hope each of you are reunited with your loves really soon if you're not with them already. You all are some of the strongest people I know. Keep the faith!:)

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