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A trust problem

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I am married since two years now. I am 36 and my wife is 33.

Since the beginning of our relation that some trust related issues came up.

Since the very first moment i was forced to abandon all contacts with other woman. I was forced to forget all my contacts with any other female person.

Those contacts were merely friendship contacts, i was never involved with any other woman. Anyway i could never convince my wife of that fact.

So, little by little, i lost friends. This is painfull.

Even after i lost contact with them, it wasnt enough to satisfy my wife's wish. She still keeps invading my email accounts searching for ghosts. She stil keeps checking my phone for any suspicious contacts.

It is very frustrating to me. Her actions almost made me go crazy and loose control of my actions.

I simply cant make her understand that a true relation must be based on trust.

From my side, she has no restrictions, she can meet and contact with who ever she wants, i never put any obstacles to it. I havent any possessive or jealous feelings in my self.

Lately she invaded my email accounts again, and despite i have nothing to hide, i was furious and cant make her understand that this actions show a huge lack of respect to my person.

It seems to be impossible to bring her to a more wise and reasonable position of sobriety.

Any help will be welcome.

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If it's important to you, so important that you cannot continue in the relationship if it continues as it has been, let her know this in no uncertain terms. Be willing to followup up and back up your statements through or the behavior will only be aggravated.

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