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Dumpees' vs Dumpers


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I just want to find out what type of broken relationships do you think have the best chance of getting back together?


a) where the guy originally broke it off with the girl


b) where girl broke it off with guy


c) where it is a mutual thing that just dissolved


d) where it was Semi mutual but someone just stepped up and made the decision


e) where cheating was involved


f) where long distances are involved


just curious.


Do you think Male dumpers are more likely to want their dumpees back or are Women dumpers the ones who ineviatbly go away re-think and want their ex's back?


Usually it is the one who has been dumped that is needy and the dumper who needs persuasion , right?


What do you think?

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I don't think one can be dogmatic about which relationships stand the better chance of being fixed, but I will concede that cheating is a dealbreaker.

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I wanted to bring this post back up to the top to see if we can get some answers here... There are some great scenarios being brought up and some great questions here.

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I think its more situational based, but I'll also agree that a cheater, be it a man or a woman, should never be given a second chance.

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