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at a newyears party i met this guy that i met briefly once before. well, i was really drunk and he was sober so we started kissing(initiated by him)and nothing serious happened but i got the impression that he was very interested. he offered to take me home after i had sobered up, but i refused and let another guy friend take me. i was a little out of it to give him my number but he asked my best friend the next day along with other questions, she informed him that i was drunk and had no interest in him (without even getting my opinion)she later set it straight and told him to call me but it's been two weeks and everytime i see him he acts aloof and distant, he ends the conversation as soon as its started. i'm really confused becuase i don't know why he is acting this way and the sad part is that i want to get together with him but it feels really akward after the situation.

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Maybe you could find a way to get his phone number and call him yourself. If he is interested, then he would probably be pleased to hear from you. Is there any chance that this friend of yours might be interested in him herself and maybe misled him to believe you were not? If so, maybe she conveyed that to him when they spoke about you. I hope that is not the case but it is a possibility I thought of while reading your story.

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I agree with electrocute. Why did your friend tell him that? I think she might be interested too, so you should directly talk to him. If he's not interested that's too bad, but who knows?

Maybe you could find a way to get his phone number and call him yourself. If he is interested, then he would probably be pleased to hear from you. Is there any chance that this friend of yours might be interested in him herself and maybe misled him to believe you were not? If so, maybe she conveyed that to him when they spoke about you. I hope that is not the case but it is a possibility I thought of while reading your story.
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