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How do I do this ????


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The best way to break up with someone is to have a talk, let the other person know exactly what your feelings are, let them know that you do not feel there is any kind of work that can be done to make things change, thank them for the wonderful years together, wish them luck, and be on your way.


The whole process could take a bit longer. If he gets too upset, that will piss you off more and make you want to get out of there quickly. If he gives you too much crap, just let him know it's over and get away. If he's nice about it, let him discuss whatever feelings he has and make the break a friendly one.


Before you do anything, just be sure this is what you want to do.


Love knows not is own depth, except in the hour of separation.

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If you two still get along and you care about him at least,


think about his feelings when you break up with him.


It would be better if you do it in person, and preferably not somewhere with too many people around.


Also, don't leave him hanging. Take his feelings into consideration and talk to him..be firm but explain things instead of just saying "its over, bye."

I want to break up with my boyfriend of 3.5 years. How do I do it ? I dont think I love him anymore.
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