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living arrangement

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I have some living arrangements that my girlfriend is not to wild about it. I am renting a first floor bed room out of a house that is owned by a 35 year old named woman who’s a part time nurse (I’19). I’ll call her Ms Kelly, though that’s not her real name. Any ways, it cost next to nothing, but the catch is she is in the middle of a major rework on the house and it's a bit torn up. Many doors are missing including the one to my bedroom and the first floor bathroom that I'm allowed to shower in. Because this set up does not currently afford me any privacy, I've had to get used to Ms Kelly seeing me naked at times but I figured it didn’t make any difference. Being a nurse, it’s not like Ms Kelly has never seen a guy naked before. This kind of bothered my girlfriend, but I convinced her it was no big deal. I told her that Ms Q is a nurse who’s seen it all and that she’s very matter of fact about it. I assured her there was nothing sexual. However, one day Ms Kelly came into the bathroom and was telling me something about the doors that were coming in soon. Before I knew what was happening, she grabbed me, kissed and fondled my testicles with her hand. It was just for a moment, then she stopped and apologized saying she didn't know what got into her. She said it would never happen again and left. It took me by surprise. Had I any idea that she felt this way, I certainly would have not let her in the same room as I when I had no cloths. Perhaps what I found more troubling is that I was aroused by the incident. I could have pushed Ms Kelly away or something, but I didn't. It was a sensation that I never felt before. I decided to not tell my girlfriend about it and to just brush it off as an isolated incident.

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I think you're a pretty smart man to keep your mouth shut.


It seems Ms. Kelly has a thing for you...or at least your bod. I also hope she doesn't attack male patients in the gonads who are in her charge like she did you. I think if a nurse came at me that way, I would be pretty shaken. Maybe this is something new in nursing that I haven't heard about.


If those doors she was telling you about don't come in soon, and you don't get more privacy, you need to move elsewhere. It's my guess that Ms. NurseyPoo made a really heavy duty pass at you hoping you would get the message she is available after office hours.


Don't tell your girlfriend...or any other human being on the planet...about this incident.


I also think if this is not normal behavior for Ms. Kelly, you should be extremely flattered that a woman who sees naked men all day picked you to attack.

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I agree! In the meantime, maybe you could get one of those temporary shower rods that is held in place by pressure (thereby not actually damaging the doorframe) and put up a curtain in place of the door until the construction is finished. It doesn't sound like you did anything wrong... liking the feel of sexual touching is human nature but it doesn't sound as if you actually want to cheat on your girlfriend. So keep your mouth shut and don't let Miss Kelly see you naked again. That way no one is hurt or tempted.

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Bobby Dygytul

DAMN.... some people are juss too damn lucky...



I have some living arrangements that my girlfriend is not to wild about it. I am renting a first floor bed room out of a house that is owned by a 35 year old named woman who's a part time nurse (I'19). I'll call her Ms Kelly, though that's not her real name. Any ways, it cost next to nothing, but the catch is she is in the middle of a major rework on the house and it's a bit torn up. Many doors are missing including the one to my bedroom and the first floor bathroom that I'm allowed to shower in. Because this set up does not currently afford me any privacy, I've had to get used to Ms Kelly seeing me naked at times but I figured it didn't make any difference. Being a nurse, it's not like Ms Kelly has never seen a guy naked before. This kind of bothered my girlfriend, but I convinced her it was no big deal. I told her that Ms Q is a nurse who's seen it all and that she's very matter of fact about it. I assured her there was nothing sexual. However, one day Ms Kelly came into the bathroom and was telling me something about the doors that were coming in soon. Before I knew what was happening, she grabbed me, kissed and fondled my testicles with her hand. It was just for a moment, then she stopped and apologized saying she didn't know what got into her. She said it would never happen again and left. It took me by surprise. Had I any idea that she felt this way, I certainly would have not let her in the same room as I when I had no cloths. Perhaps what I found more troubling is that I was aroused by the incident. I could have pushed Ms Kelly away or something, but I didn't. It was a sensation that I never felt before. I decided to not tell my girlfriend about it and to just brush it off as an isolated incident.


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