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For those trying to lose weight... Trigger Foods: Which are yours?

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Trigger Foods Guide



Food Item Portion Calories Fat(gm) Fat(Tsp)

Soft drink 20 ounce bottle 250 0 0

Peanuts 1 cup 835 71 14

BBQ potato chips 7 ounce bag 970 64 13

Corn chips 7 ounce bag 1065 66 13

French fries 40 strips 630 33 7

Cheese and Ritz Crackers 2 ounces cheese + 12 crackers 410 28 6


stuffed crust,

super supreme 2 slices 1020 52 10

Carrot cake with icing 1 average slice 485 29 6

Chocolate chip cookies 6 small 350 16 3

Apple pie 1 average slice 410 19 4

Pretzels 25 twists 570 5 1

Peanut Butter and crackers 9 sandwiches 300 15 3

Bagel and cream cheese Medium size bagel + two tablespoons of cream cheese 400 10 2

Blueberry muffin 1 large 410 10 2

Typical candy bar 1-85 gram bar 465 32 6 ½

Ice cream 1 cup 350 24 5

Granola bars 2 325 18 3 ½

Cream-filled Doughnut 1




I found this on herbalife.com, for any interested.


Mine are all carb relatied. For me, the blue berry muffin, granola bars, apple pie, and candy bars are big no-nos. Also, I tend to snack on penut butter and crackers, thinking I'm eating healthy. :-)

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:eek: Man am I screwed! I crave food- period.


I watch t.v. and want one of everything. I take turns lusting after the items in the vending machine at work (this wk is Mounds :rolleyes::p )


I love food :love:


I'll be back- I need a PopTart :o

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yeah, a pop tart would be great...


*sigh* I think about them and I get fat. lol.


I think I need to be conditioned against sweet foods. Do you remember that episode of South Park where Cartman had that V chip installed in his brain, and every time he cursed he'd get shocked?


That's what I want, only rather then curse words, every time I think of junk food. :o

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I love food, too. And I hate all the thin women with their high metabolisms that can eat all day long, anything they want and still look awesome. I work with two of them. :p

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Or you could go all out Clockwork Orange style and be conditioned to puke everytime you think of junk- this would work twice as well cuz if you fought the urge and ate anyway you would just purge :sick:




:bunny::bunny: Fineprint :bunny::bunny:


Fayebelle in no way endorses bulimia and realizes it is no laughing matter- she was using the conditioned induced purging as a joke - not the true life eating disorder

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Originally posted by Pocky

I love food, too. And I hate all the thin women with their high metabolisms that can eat all day long, anything they want and still look awesome. I work with two of them. :p



One of these days our metabolism is gonna crash and our thighs are going double wide before we realize what is happening! We will in no way be prepared to give up our happy munching b/c of the sudden weight so it will continue indefinately (this is why I'm TRYING to practice restraint now)


As you can see it's not working very well :(

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Well, if anyone takes it wrong, I'll bite them. ;) Rarrrr... just kidding.



Pocky, I hear you girl! I'm a size 12, and growing. The crazy thing is that I weigh like 160 lbs, but look about 140. I'm not sure where it's all going.


Tell me that's not a little off.



I'm TRYING desperately not to eat bad things. Normally, I eat grapefruit and bran snacks for lunch.



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anything with refined sugar - it just starts all the cravings: carbs, sweets, caffeine.

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I HAVE to eat something at regular intervals, it's a medical thing, if I don't I get very nausesus, shakes, sweating and other fun effects :(

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