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I like this girl. But no idea if she is interested?

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I'm bored and confused so let's go into detail lol


Ok so there was this girl I worked with a little over this past summer and we were cool with each other. We both changed jobs mid-summer and lost contact. However interestingly enough we ran into each other on the campus dining hall sometime in september (we are in college). We ate and had a good time and she asked me for my#. A week later she hit me up to eat again and of course, I said yeah. Since then we have eaten on campus together about once every two weeks give or take, nothing big at all. We never really just randomly text each other. A few weeks back I let her know without directly asking that I had basketball tickets availible for a Washington Wizards game (about 2 months from when I asked) because my basketball buddy can't go. She didn't jump on it but didn't just say no either. I just told her to sleep on it, and let me know.


Just friends, no biggie. But this is where I start to get confused. I ran into her at a grocery store a few weeks ago and we kinda flirted a little bit and jokingly she said 'holla at me', so the next day I hit her up and she invited me over for lunch and she made some spaghetti. It went well we had some laughs watched some tv, whatever. As I was leaving some dude showed up and was just kinda completely indifferent to me being there and we weren't introduced. Again not a big deal, just kinda random. She had a boyfriend over the summer but again we lost contact for roughly 3 months. She has never, ever explicitly mentioned a boyfriend to me so who knows. I don't. She asked me if I had a gf one time, I dont, but never really asked anything else. Well a few days ago we ran into each other and ate lunch the next day and again it went well. She digs my tattoos, I caught her doing that hair thing a few times, she played with my phone, and let me give her a ride back to her house so she didnt have to ride the bus.


So long story short. I like her she's really cool, but I don't want to creep. On one hand she seems to enjoy my company alot and we always have a good time and always asks me alot of questions about myself. On the other hand Alot of our hanging out has come from chance encounters and like I said we never talk through text at random, and she seems to be fine ith that. I'm kinda a loser with women so I'm stumped. Idk wether to start trying to really start hitting her up all the time, or just let it be what it is and just stick to our eat every once in awhile thing. Ladies, gentlemen have any advice or can relate?

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I would say she is into you mate but women can be hard to read I should know! Anyway If I were you I would actually ask her on a date nothing too serous but just pick up the phone and call her. At least that will signal your intentions to her and hoefully she will feel the same and agree to go out with you. Only worrying thing is the guy round her place but that could be friend

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