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I like my friend but don't think she likes me

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Hello. Recently I made friends with this one person, ill call her girl1. This isn't the girl I like but she's part of the problem I feel. Girl1 and I were friends for about a month which is when I met Girl2. Girl2 and I, I realized, had alot in common. from same interests in gaming to music to hobbies. well Girl2 is also the sister of a good friend of mine, which was why I even sat next to her during dinner when I did and introduced myself. Anyways, one day Girl1 and myself were eating dinner in the cafeteria at College as usual when Girl2 comes by and sits with us and her brother my friend who was also sitting there.


TLDR:Girl1 and Girl2 and myself both became friends for about a week before we had to leave for our week long break.


When we came back, I started to notice certain feelings I was having for Girl2. This was fine and every thing except that Girl1 apparently has abandonment issues and so clings to Girl2 and gets hurt when you say something remotely putting her down. She did this with me before I met Girl2 but then I had the option of just ignoring her. But when Girl2 got in the picture, she started to condone Girl1's behavior, like giving Girl1 hugs when she looks sad or is just pretending to be sad. Well this is also the time when I started to try and make myself more available as more than a friend type of territory.


Now to the present day. I feel as if I have to constantly compete with Girl1 for Girl2's affection. And be cause they are both girls, they naturally get along better with each other than with myself. Only now it's becoming more of the case where when we go out down town some time, I'm the one lagging behind and they are up ahead talking while I'm in the back with my thoughts. I don't know what to do about any of this.

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