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In a relationship for 1+ year, but having trouble...

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Hey all.


I've been dating my girlfriend for almost a year and a half now. We're going fine, but that's all. Over the past 6 or so months I became very good friends with a girl whom I'd never spent time with before. Over the summer I was separated from my girlfriend (and the rest of my friends) for a couple of months and this other girl was the only one I really stayed in constant contact with, even more than my girlfriend.


The truth is, I've become infatuated with her. It's not just a small crush, I've had those in relationships before and those are easy to deal with, I really like her (yes, in that way) and I think she is the coolest person in the world. I know I'd be happier with her than with anyone else, and I've felt this way for a couple months but its becoming a problem.


Since I've felt this way I've realized I've become very jealous of her. Not in any outwardly visible or dangerous way, but I really feel awful imagining her being with other guys. I know she likes me immensely as a friend, but she is an incredibly hard to read people so I truthfully have no idea whether or not she likes me the way I like her.


Can someone help me here? If I didn't have a girlfriend I would have asked her out a long time ago, but I obviously couldn't. It's not that I don't like my current girlfriend, I do, but I like this other girl more, and I can't stand the thought of passing up a chance I might have to be with her.


Thanks for reading thing, hopefully you can help!

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Sure, if you're not happy in your current relationship then get out. HOWEVER! You shouldn't date this other girl until you've given yourself time to mourn the loss of the relationship, to heal and to move on. If you don't do this, then you're not being fair to yourself and certainly wouldn't be fair to the girl you would be dating.


PLUS! if you jumped into a new relationship this girl would be nothing more than a rebound and you would come off looking like a complete douche rocket.

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The problem is that I am satisfied in my current relationship, I just now I could be happier with this girl if she likes me past our friendship. It would be easy if I wasn't enjoying my current relationship enough that I have trouble ending it.

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Ask her if you were to be free would she want to date you with marriage as the goal.


If you can't ask that then you don't want her that much.


If you do ask and she says yes then break up first then with your now GF.

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