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Tony, do you work for LoveShack?

Curious Carole

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Curious Carole



I notice you are responding to the forum day and night with very good advice. I was just curious to know what is your profession and eduactional background? How can you afford to dedicate so much time and energy to the forum?

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I am a real estate investor, I own an advertising agency, and a political consulting firm. I work my own hours and I work smart. I learned early on in college that the amount of work you do or the time spent does not necessarily translate into rewards. In college I could take a three hour course, have to write five papers, take four exams plus a final and get a "C". During the same semester, I could take a five hour course, attend only the first class, write one paper and take a final and get an "A". So for those who think you have to work your butt off to make money, this is true only because you believe it's true.


$10,000 invested in Cisco Systems in 1990 would be $7.5 million today. $10,000 invested in America Online in 1996 when they were having serious connectivity problems and lawsuits because of oversubscription is now worth $550,000. So if you use your intuition, have some guts, you can make all the money you want, even while you're sleeping.


I make my living very smart and make time to do the things I want in life, while I am alive. One thing I enjoy doing is posting here. One of the meanings I get out of life is offering service to others, and I consider what I do here part of that...whether it helps people or not, I do my best.


I don't really dedicate a lot of time and energy to this forum. It only takes a few minutes to answer a post. I took typing in high school...was the only guy in the class...Mrs. Prendes' typing class...she loved me and so did all the girls. Not only did I get a lot of dates there but I learned to type my replies to LoveShack very quickly...although the Internet wasn't even thought about back then. In college, I never had to pay others to type my papers.


I hope I have answered your questions.

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