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Hoo-bloody-ray! He's got it, by George he's got it :D


H has always been a bit rubbish at romantic gestures. Just didn't really get it. I have made it very clear that since d-day I need more of these gestures, I need reassurance. He was struggling a bit bless him.


And usually I am the do-er, the One Who Makes Things Happen.Even down to organising my own 40th birthday party....


So today I sent a text:


"We need to spend some more time alone. That saturday we had a whole afternoon alone was such a brilliant day!"




"Yes it was but we can't afford to send all 3 kids to the States so we can get some time alone. Ha ha! "


Me: "No. OK. Don't worry then..." (a bit PA I confess)


Radio silence for a while then:


"We could get my mum over for the night and stay in a hotel"


Me: "Good idea!"


Radio silence while he processed this information...


"Shall I go ahead and organise that then?"


Yes! Yes.....ha ha! Success.


It's not that difficult really when you actually think about, it is it H?

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And usually I am the do-er, the One Who Makes Things Happen.Even down to organising my own 40th birthday party....


I read that as orgasming! :laugh: Which is what you'll be doing in that hotel room this weekend...

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"...That saturday we had a whole afternoon alone was such a brilliant day!"



Positive re-inforcement!! Keep telling him when he's doing it right!! Us dumb guys are like training a stupid puppy.

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