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does anyone believe in your inner child?

curious georgette

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curious georgette

if so what are your opinions on it and how does one go about doing this "inner child work?" really, i've been reading alot about this and i thought it may be a way to help with self-esteem issues but i'm not sure if that is the way to go.


anyone done this or tried this and had success? i'd really be interested in what and how.............thanks

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Though self esteem issues often have their origin in childhood, the wounded inner child theory is a concoction of modern day pop psychology. Though it seems valid enough, there is no proof that the "inner child" is much more than a metaphor.


Our brain carries with it wounds from the past in the form of memory. I guess these woulds could make up the inner child in need of healing. So the inner child is basically all the wounds on our soul and our psyche that remain to be worked on. Sometimes, our social and psychological growth can be stunted by these nearly mortal wounds sustained at the hand of abusive parents or others in our childhood.


Inner child work, like anything else, can only work if you have a firm belief in it. If you approach it realisitically and seek to neutralize and bypass the memory pathways in the brain that hold on to these childhood hurts and fears, you can heal and get past the chains that bind your growth.


It's very sad that we can be a prisoner for all of lives to abuse, neglect and other traumatic experiences from our youth.


The book suggested by Paulie, as well as other works by John Bradshaw and Melody Beattie, are excellent and very helpful.


But this is not easy work. It takes a lot of time and a desire to break away from the grip of childhood pain that stunts movement forward as a humans.


Working with a highly competent psychologist trained in work with adult children from dysfunctional families can be very helpful. Psychic regression to childhood with the help of a licensed medical hypnotherapist is also an excellent idea.


This inner child work is not something you try...it is something you move through slowly and absolutely do.

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I am reading the "Homecoming" now and have finished another book called "Struggle for Intimacy".


I learned such books from this forum suggested by Tony and Paulie and others. When I finally got the books and read about the inner child thing, it hit my heart.


I grew up in a family full of quarrels and fights. I learned not to act out my emotions when I was very young. I am that kind of woman who is way too nice and too harmless. And I got used to it until something happened.


Before I heard of the inner child thing, I was aware of that there is a little girl inside me. A very shy girl. I didn't know how to do with her, just wishing there must be somebody out there who could find out that little shy girl and nurture her&make her happy.


Obviously I WAS WRONG. My ex broke up with me because he says I was too shy to show my affections. He was overwhelmed by another passionate woman and decided to give it a try.


Then I started reading those recovery books. I realize there is no one who will nurture your inner wounded child except YOU. It is the very job you got to do for yourself! And I learn and I learn. I am still learning in every moment, everyday.


I do believe there IS a wonderful child inside me. And I am truly unique and a precious being. Of course every individual is a precious one. I am still working on this subject and hope to be a better woman.


I had a hard time after the breakup. He is my first lover. We had a happy time for two years....


But next time, Trust me. When a breakup comes, with my healed child, I will just walk away.


I was shy, but not now any more. I feel I have more power than before.


When you love somebody, don't hesitate to speak it loud.


Let everyone on the planet knows you love her/him. Nothing could be happier to do in the world.



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