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Have you ever fantasized about being with your wife when both of you were younger?

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Okay maybe it sounds weird. My wife and I first met when she was 22. She is now 28. Still vibrant and sexy as ever and can still easily pass for 22, even after having our son. She can look downright stunning in a bikini. Needless to say, I think she is very sexy and I am 4 years older than her.


There have been times when I have seen some older pictures of her before we met and I've gotten aroused. I've thought of them at times we have sex. I guess in a way I would have loved to have been with her at these times (don't worry I am talking about a high school girl with me being age appropriate as well).


She looked so beautiful on her prom night. I didn't know her then of course. The guy she was with more or less took off on her that night with his friends. She was so pretty, and a virgin to boot. I couldn't understand how that guy wouldn't have wanted to be with her that night. There are times when I've fantasized about approaching her on her prom night and sweeping her off my feet. I've wondered how she would have kissed then and if she would have found me attractive then too. I have actually had my wife wear her prom dress a couple of times and it has really turned me on.


So is this unusual? Does anyone else fantasize about taking your wife's/husband's virginity at a certain time in their life? By the way my sex life is excellent and I can't complain at all but sometimes I pretend she's on her prom night and I am the guy who gets to be with her.


Okay, flame away.


I remember the first time my ex gf showed me photos from when she was younger, late teens, early to mid 20s. That was the crazy big hair 80's times, and though I saw her as attractive "for that time", no to your question.


My ex wifes dad had a photo of two girls on his end table, in bikinis, on the beach. I never asked who they were for years, but always found the one sexy and hot. I finally asked "who" one day and he said "that's your wife when she was 18!" We met when she was 27. So kind of a yes to your question.

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That's funny. My daughter turned 26 a few weeks ago and she's also feeling like youth is behind her. When I was that age, I felt like I was absolutely invincible and had no thought whatsoever about being older.


I remember very well looking in the mirror while putting on makeup on my 36th birthday, and saying to myself, "Madame, there is simply NO WAY you can be 'young' any longer. 36 is not 'young,' even if 30 is the new 20." But, secretly, I was still thinking "young." And I guess I still am now!


Sorry for tj.


At 47, the # feels old, I feel young though!

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