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easily annoyed after concussion?

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I had a milder concussion, and it does play major havoc. I don't rememeber it affecting my emotions, but I could be walking down a sidewalk and in a split second be knelt down on the ground, trying to regain my balance and for everything to stop spinning. From what I understand about the brain and concussions, it is logical to me for it to affect emotions.

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Yes, it is indeed a (rather vague) symptom. If you have a concussion, take it seriously: it has been linked with early dementia. I've had two, twice it involved a broken nose as well and I can tell you it's no fun. Probably worse than the broken nose.

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Go see a quack. I remember from my rugby and boxing days that we were always told to watch for mood swings and irritabilty after a big blow to the noggin. Sign of shell shock, I think.

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You seem pretty easily annoyed in your normal state of being.



I didn't have one:rolleyes:


I hate people is why I am annoyed.


My mom is worse....pissed me off yesterday with it.


At 63 I am seeing signs in her that it won't be much longer till she develops serious problems. Years of my grandmother's bull**** and everything else is now doing her in.


I suspect a heart attack, death or stroke in the next year or two.


Anything but a stroke though.

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