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To ask for someone number??? How?

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I have a hard time asking females for there number is there a right way?

I ones got a big girls number but that to easy why is that?

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I suspect you're implying that fat girls are easy to hook-up with because they're desperate (no male attention so any male attention is appreciated). And, if that's so, then you ought to revise that idea. It's certainly true that women who don't meet our culture's physical standard for hotness have less men interested in them. But of the men a larger woman does attract, she can be as choosy as any girl. Bottom line: She gave you her number because she thought you were a cute, potentially nice guy -- just like any girl. She might have been right about the cute part, but the nice part isn't such a sure thing, given how you're talking about her.


If you want a girl's number, go up and ask her. You're just intimidated by the good looking ones you really want to ask out. You're not sure if you're in their league, assuming that they are as shallow as you seem to be: looks oriented.


To build your confidence, beef up, dress well, and come on with a simple, uncomplicated line. Strike up a conversation, see if there's some chemistry, and when you break it off, say, "Can I call you sometime?"


-- uriel

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well thanks in sharing that with me.


But give me some tips on how is that right way i should come up to girls.


Some times if i see a pretty one i get scare because i think she is to pretty to be singel. :(

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Talk to her for a while first find something incommon and use it to get her number. like- I like to go ________ to, you should give me your number and next time I ______ I'll give you a call.


Never just go up and ask for a phone number that's Rude and Creepy the introduction is crucial. ;)

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My tip was to keep it simple: Strike up a conversation, see if there's some chemistry, and when you break it off, say, "Can I call you sometime?" That way it's not creepy. She feels like you've taken some time to get to know her, rather than just her amazing good looks. The conversation also gives her some time to consider whether she likes you and wants to get to know you better.


If she's not single, she'll tell you that when you ask if you can call her sometime. She can also use that as an excuse if she's not interested.


-- uriel

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i saw this teenager ask this girl: "Do you have a bf" and she said yes and then he walk off lol.

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Well try this....


If you strike up a conversation with a girl...something light..nothing serious. After a few minutes of chit-chatting tell her "Do you think you are someone I should get to know better?"


If she says yes, then ask her if you can give her a call sometime. BOOM, you will probably get her number.


If she says no, then she just made herself look silly--uninteresting.


Most of the time she won't mention a boyfriend, so don't ask if she has one.


You should always try to put yourself in a position to be successful.





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"Give me your phone number or I'll f*cking KILL YOU."


LOL....good one.



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I have a hard time asking females for there number is there a right way?

I ones got a big girls number but that to easy why is that?


Were you even interested in the girl's number you got? You can go about getting a smaller girls number the same way.

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