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What Sould I Do?


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There is a girl at my school and I whant to ask her out but I'm scard of a rejection from her becouse i'm fat and shes skinny WHAT SHOULD I DO?

to begin with don't let the opinion that others have on you influence how much you think of yourself.if this girl can't look beyond apperances then she wasn't worth it anyway.don't worry about finding the right one ,when you don't expect her she'll come along your way.personally,i sort of understand how you feel,i think we all do,because nobody is perfect ,there are flaws in all of us and people seem to enjoy putting others in uncomfortable positions to make fun of inperfections.if this girl you like is like this,then she is not worh it!butif she is nice to you and is not interested in you then don't judge her either,know what i mean.well,i hope it works out,if you like her tyhat much put all your guts together and take a chance that's what life is all about,taking chances and being able to deal with rejection!

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