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stuck on stupid still

to tony and apple of sodom

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to tony and apple of sodom

well you both have good advise and i appreciate your responses. i would put the five dollars in my own jar tho and see how much i would of interrogated the poor guy (indirectly).


however, apple your idea is great too, not to ask any questions which is what i basically did start doing today. the problem with it tho is that i feel i need an outlet for release, does that make sense?


maybe it's some kind of obsession to ask people these things, i didn't ask my daughter anything today either not just my bf.


i've thought too about his explosive reaction the other day and he says tho that it accumulated, that it is mental bombardment when i ask him unrelenting questions.


so, some are from suspcion and some from curiousity but he thinks they are all from jealousy which is not true, true most are, but not all.


anyway, i need to find a way to difuse, i don't feel good about how i checked his cell phone tonight, i did it more for spite, not that he'll ever know or care anyway.


it would only be another weapon he'd use against to tell me how sick i am and that i have a "major problem". or course this guy goes around thinking he is "perfect" and i'm the one with all the problems, so i need the help and blah, blah, blah.


i'm sick of being the total blame for his outbursts and stress. oh well that is another can of worms..............thanks again guys.........any other advise would be appreciated or suggestions on how to blow off the build up, i already worked out today to do that but it only helped while i was there.

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Maybe you should learn more about your boyfriend, what he enjoys doing and talking about, and talk to him in a conversational way about topics he likes to discuss. Avoid specifics like where he was, who he was with, etc.


Ask him questions about his childhood. Ask him to show you pictures of him when he was a little boy. Just show an overall interest in him that does not involve invading his current privacy.


If you can do that, maybe you won't be tempted to start conversations with these wild questions he objects to. And you might also show your boyfriend that you are really interested in him and what he does and, by doing so, endear yourself further to him.

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