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I Am So Jealous That It Might Ruin Our Relationship! Help!

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my girlfriend is a very busy girl. with 3 advanced placement (college corses), along with her regular classes, a job, in the band, and practices every tuesday thursday and saturday for it. now dont get me wrong, i see her in school, and in band. but i just never have very much alone time with her. you might know me from the guy with the girl that kissed another guy (another story, but i figured that out). so my girlfriend has had very bad relationtionships with guys telling her she cant hang out with other people becuase they get jealous. so dont get me wrong, i let her hang out with anyone she wants (as long as its not bad for her health, which she has never done). but this friday she wants to go to lunch with the guy that she kissed. she has assured me that she doesnt like him, and that they are still friends. i respect that, and i have already forgiven her about the kiss. the problem is, i get jealous any time she plans somthing on days where she could be hanging out with me. or at lunch when she goes and talks to other people instead of me. she is very sensative about me not letting her talk to the people she wants, or hang out with the people she wants. but it just makes me sooooo jealous. even though i dont think like this, this is what goes through my mind at a very jealous time: "why doesnt she want to hang out with me. why does she want to hang out with that person more than me." she just has so many things going on all the time, and i support her, but i just get jealous when she doesnt spend her free time with me. we have gotten in several fights about this and i just dont want it to escalate.


help me! :eek:


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dear jealous why be jealous of your girlfriend having fun w/ her friends.would you rather her be stuck up your butt 24/7?probaly not!when she is out w/ her friends hang out w/ your friends.it is a good stress relief to be around other people besides your sig. other.if your meant for each other you have your whole life to hang out togather.chill,enjoy life and just be happy.lots of luck.

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I think you have absolute right to feel jealous, its hard to trust when you have been hurt. But rather than get upset/hurt by the fact she seems to want to spend more time with just about anyone else than you, tell her you would like to spend more time with her. I'm sure she would be flattered by it and would oblige to ur request ;)


Good luck :D

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do not let her do it. i had the same thing, my gf made out ith a friend, and and after lots of crying and begging i said i would stay with her but if i ever found out that they even talked to eachother again then it was over.

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