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should I take this relationship seriously?

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I woke this morning with a strange feeling inside of me, and as I showered I started to think even deeper into what going on inside of me. I have a bf of over 2 years. And lately I've been feeling a little insecure about our relationship.. We've had our ups and downs as in most relationship, and lately I've noticed that we've both been trying our best to make things better.


The issue--My current boyfriend has a preference of Hispanic women, particularly puerto rican woman, he says he likes their looks, ie color of skin, long hair etc. I however am black/hispanic, attractive, and slender... I am however, brown skin and dont resemble his ideal loook what so ever.. I often see him staring at these types in the street, and would sometimes see him reference them in messages to friends. He's never been with a puerto rican woman before in a relationship or dating.. He's white by the way. I saw some things written to a friend about going to clubs that at 80% hispanic. He is young and immature, so I'm not sure if this plays a role. My question is should I continue this relationship feeling like a second best or am I over thinking this? Please help me with some clarity. I'm worried that we'll continue on with him just going through the motions and will eventually find someone more his type that likes him as well. I don't know if I should keep it going or try to cool my feelings down. Thanks.

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I've never actually been involved with someone in the ideal type I have in my mind of what I want in a woman. I tend to be much more drawn to a different group, for whatever reason...


His eyes may wander, as yours may some day too, but so long as he keeps his hands to himself and loves you for who and what you are then I don't see there being any real issue

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I am not my boyfriends ideal type physically, either.


The type of women he envisions in his head, as being the most beautiful women, is NOT me.


However, very few people end up with people that resemble their EXACT type, their "dream girl" in terms of looks.


I have been with him for two years, and it does not bother him at all that I am not the hottest, most beautiful girl on the planet. After you love someone, they are the person you strongly want, more than any other women.


Maybe that is how your boyfriend feels; however, is he is saying things and making remarks that make you feel like he is "settling" with you, but wishes he has someone better?


I mean, I know my boyfriend finds me more attractive when I am thin, fit, with a tan, etc.... But he never makes me feel like I am not enough for him, and he wants a thin, tanned, "better"girl than I.




.....No guy ends up with the mosty beautiful girl, and most guys do not end up with the type of women, who are in the porn they prefer.


Think about overweight or unattractive people; they normally date other unattractive people. They may love their partners very much and be blissfully happy. The porn they look at would probably not be of other unattractive looking people, though.






In life, you try your best to have meaningful, loving relationships... You find people, and some people fall in love and end up very happy with their partners. Even in the happiest of couples, they are not necessarily eacvh others '' ideal physical type''



Please know that if the love and relationship is good enough, and if he truly loves you, then all it takes if or him to be attracted to you; you do NOT have to be his favourite type of women, look wise.


I have a slightly crooked nose, and I do not work out these days, and am not in my best shape.


I am also pale, but use discrete fake tan, but am sometimes lazt about it.

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