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Confronted the cheater and he still denies!

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i have been dating this guy for about a year now and everything has been amazing, or so i thought. A few days ago i was talking with a friend that knew my boyfriend towards the beginning of our relationship, but did not know me. We got talking about a time my friend was visiting my boyfriend and that he was seeing another woman. after talking for a while we determined that my boyfriend was cheating on me when i was on vacation with my family for three weeks.


when i found out this information, i immediately confronted my boyfriend about it calmly. He told me that he had previously hooked up with her, but it was before he was seeing me. i almost dropped it at this point because him and i were always very good together and we have a strong connection.


In the mean time, my guy friend had talked to the girl that my boyfriend cheated on me with and she asked for my number. she sent me a message explaining that at first she didn't know he was seeing anyone, and they slept together. then she explained how even after i stopped over to see him the day i got back from vacation, he tried to hook up with her again. she also explained that one day, while i was still on vacation, she came over to visit (he has a roommate that was close friends with her) and my boyfriend was in bed with a different woman.


i have yet to talk to him about my new information, but i am very torn on what to do. a huge part of me wants to dump him, but i also care about him very much and would consider working through it. maybe i should just take a break from him and give him time to think? i don't know.



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I would tell him that you know for certain that he is lying to you and dump his cheating a$$! You deserve a lot better than this and don't want to end up spending many grueling years only to end up married to an adulterer!


Do your self a favour and get rid of him!

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There are only two choices:


A. Agree to an open relationship where you both can bone other people at will

B. Find someone else


The Plan C that you're actually considering; where he can freely bone other people but you can't, is not acceptable.

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