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Christmas time is super important to me, I love gift giving and this will my boyfriend's and I first Xmas together. He is going away to visit family so he'll have limited internet time which is gonna be tough considering we talk/play every night for 5 hours min. For Xmas we didn't say price limits. I did tell him about a month or so ago on his visit to see me I would give me 100 bucks for his new phone for Xmas but I ended up buying a few more things as well. I think he pretty much just did the same thing. He opens presents Xmas morning whereas in my family we do Xmas Eve at midnight. Since we have a 3 hour time difference we decided it would be best to wait till it was midnight his time to open presents on webcam with each other. Hopefully it all goes as planned and we have a good time on cam together. While it sucks not spending it together I'm sure it'll still be very special.

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We are not able to spend holidays together, due work commitments on both ends. :(


I'm not expecting anything. I sent him a card + letter on regular mail. I have the proper gift already but I'll deliver it in person.


Second holidays away. Hopefully it won't be so next year.

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