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I am the other woman...

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I have posted about this situation a time or two already but I still need some advice...


I have been seeing/sleeping with a guy that I work with...I just recently found out that he has a girlfriend ( I had a sneaky suspicion all along but trusted him when he told me didnt). The situation really became tense a few nights ago when I was at his house and she showed up...I ended up confronting him and he told me that he really liked me but had to end things...we continued to talk and he admitted that he is not ready to settle down with her right now (they are both fixing to graduate college and she is pushing marriage). I honestly thought that things were over between us but he called me the next night and we spent that night and the night after together...without sex. I just simply do not know how to handle the situation! Please help!! I am really starting to have feelings for him and don't know if it is even worth pursuing! Any help is greatly appreciated!!

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Tell him he has to pick on or the other. Tell him you'll give him some time to himself to make his decision and he should call you when he has. Until that point I wouldn't have any contact with him.

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say he leaves her for you. you build a relationship together.

it is only a matter of time someone else will be on here saying

they are the other woman and he is with you. what goes

around comes around. how will it feel to be the one at home

while he is with the new other woman. duh!


i feel sorry for the girl that thinks he is marraige material.

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Originally posted by Pocky

Tell him he has to pick on or the other. Tell him you'll give him some time to himself to make his decision and he should call you when he has. Until that point I wouldn't have any contact with him.


Too right - tell him to get his head together and decide what he wants. You don't want to get hurt - which is what will happen if you start to develop deeper feelings for him while he's with someone else.


Good luck, I'm thinking of you.

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RUN GIRL, RUN!!!!! this man is a player and there is a real good chance he will always be a player. Go find you a real man who deserves you.


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Originally posted by coley


i feel sorry for the girl that thinks he is marraige material.



should she know what he's been up to then?

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