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Abuser's Name Calling And Insult's


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Hello everyone am sure this thread will make all of us cringe and vince a lot but I have this huge need to get it off my chest so forgive me for it.

Its well known fact that we all have been called names vile ones insulted and threatened emotionaly manipulated lied to and black mailed by them those we call family those who gave birth's to us and should never ever treat us this way.


So would you share your "experience" of those things I'll start first once I discovered my mom ( hate to even call her that in writing ) for who she is there is no vile name or insult that has not been thrown at me : whore , slut, crazy, tief, drug user, streeet walker, nigger lover, arab lover, I can go for miles and miles.


And as usual not one person will believe me because she is so two faced and such a amazing actress in front of everyone else they give her angel hallo around her head I simply stopped defending myself long time ago against her slander.




I cut myself of from her "money" she helped me with school and some stuff I refuse to share my personal and private life with her.

And I don't do anything for her anymore as her care taker but I paid huge price for it as well since I am still forced to live with her but that's another story.




ps: No there are no friends to help , loans are not answer either I have enough problem's without into getting debt, and all jobs that there even are in this crisis are part time its not enough for anything but maybe if am left with no options "safe" house for woman will be way I choose until then if nothing changes am avoiding her like plague ....

Edited by bluegreen
to clear up matters
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I made myself almost blind by pouring over internet comparing symptoms and information over a while for now and yes am also becoming sure that she is indeed BP+ Narcisist.

Am also going over the years of memories and it seems to fit in as well

but she would never under any circumstances addmit that she has a problem or is wrong or appologize for any action insult or hurt she throws EVER.


It leaves me speachless how she can go from that to

"like completly normal" in matter of hours sometimes minutes and if she feels like it even sweet.

More than few times I wondered did I actually imagined all that but then I remember the words manipulations controling threats and dramatics and then I know it happened ....

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