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Infidelity Question

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I have just a quick question here for everyone. I heard once that if your SO cheats on you with someone that is drop dead gorgeous/handsome, that he/she was after the whole "fantasy" situation (someone that they possibly never thought they could have, looked like a celeberty, etc). If your SO cheated on you with someone that you never would have thought they would go after (like they were not good looking, you feel you look better, this person was over weight where you weren't, etc) then it was a sign that there was serious problems underneath the surface with the relationship.


Reason why I was asking is that a friend told me this once after she found out her husband was interested in having sex with another girl. She said that she heard this from a book or something. I was just wondering if anyone else has ever heard of this. To me, cheating is cheating regardless and it all means the same thing, I can understand the above as far as the "fantasy" situation goes but it is still cheating.

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To me, cheating is cheating regardless and it all means the same thing, I can understand the above as far as the "fantasy" situation goes


I agree that cheating is cheating; however, I actually understand LESS the situation of someone cheating with a "fantasy-like" other. I think this because this would imply that there may not be any serious problems with the relationship but a person just grabbed for the carrot and selfishly seized the opportunity to satisfy their own fantasy. We all have fantasies I suspect.


On the other hand, if a person cheats with someone that is obviously not their fantasy, and clearly less desirable than their current mate, then - like you said, most likely there are such problems with the relationship that the person is wiling to cheat just for the sake of validation, or escape, or support. I don't think this is a good thing either, but it is more understandable and forgivable in my opinion.

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