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Need Female Advice, Serious Advice

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I been with my girlfriend for two years i knew her for four. we got engaged and went through our ups and downs. im happy when im around her. im jelous though because she is independant and she is very abrassive with her tongue(blunt). i do everything for her and i feel im not appreciated. im a very goodlooking guy(not to be conceited) but im very much stuck on this girl. to make it short. she works alot, and has many friends. I work alot and have no friends because i moved around alot as a adolescent. she has friends here i dont i love to spend time with her and she does somtimes but with friends around. she has ladies night alot and she goes out alot without me, and i stay home. I dont know what to do. im in love with her and i think i cant do better. im not into the clubbing scene, nor the drinking scene and she is. I NEEED HELP ON THIS ONE!!!!!!! WE ARE GETTING MARRIED AND IM NOT GETTING COLD FEET. I M JUST SAYING I DONT WANT MY LIFE TO BE LIKE THIS FOREVER. IM UNHAPPY AND NEED TO TALK. THE INTERNET IS THE ONLY THING THAT KEEPS ME GROUNDED.




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I think you need to get out and make some new friends. You don't have to go clubbing and drinking, you can join groups in your community or take up hobbies. There are many different ways to meet people, you just need to get out and find some people who have the same interests as you. Then when she goes out for an all girls night you can go out with your new guy friends.

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I worry that you are not well-matched. Why would her interest in going out change after you get married? Why would your interest in NOT going out change? I think you should wait to get married. Have you ever asked her to change her plans to something you could do together - something you both would enjoy? If you have not, you should explain to her how you feel and see if she is willing to consider different types of recreation.


Be honest with her and yourself. This is clearly a BIG problem for you. Postpone the wedding.

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Oh honey, my heart goes out to you.


My first instinct is to say i hope the wedding is not anytime soon. I think you need to take some time to think about how you want your future to look. Are you hoping this is something your girlfriend will grow out of and you can look forward to cosy nights in together in a few years time? This sometimes happens but usually only to people who are prepared to accept that they want that to happen. Have you discussed this part of your future with your GF? You need to find out if you want the same things.


Honey gives good advice about taking up new activities, maybe a sport or gym or take a class in photography or something. But still, this may have the effect of making you realize that you and your GF have completely different interests and sometimes it is nice to share our interests with those we love. Is she the type to take no interest in your pastimes or worse, resent them?


If you are young and good looking and, from what i can read, a nice guy, don't you think you deserve someone who cares about your feelings and interests? A relationship is about harmony.

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