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Building intimacy

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I've a question to ask. When one guy and one girl are alone ( it may not be dating. it can be coincidentally sitting or walking together with friends on outings), what better things can be done to improve the bond instead of just chit-chatting? The bond can be both a friendship and lover bonds.


This may involve flirting. So, just feel free to say anything!

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Well, ok, if you're walking together side by side, you could try holding hands. Or linking arms, or, if you're very brave, an arm around their side.


If you're like, sitting around a table, catching their eye, smiling, touching their arm, or back or anywhere not too intimate, is a good way to make someone see that you're quite into them.


Personally I know this to be true because the first ever time I met my current man, which was set up as just a quick totally platonic meeting for a drink, (with my three kids in tow!), when he dropped us off where we were staying (I was on holiday, we'd met on the net initially, just as friends but he thought I was happily married which I wasn't) I had no idea how to get him to realise that I really liked him, so I just touched his forearm and said I'd had a lovely time meeting him, then said goodnight.


Much later, when we were together properly, he told me he'd fancied me right from the start, and when I touched his arm to say goodnight, he'd been immediately turned on bigtime. He'd wanted to grab me there and then, but of course, since I had my kids with me, he couldn't. lol.


Oh well, you live and learn.

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