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H on the way home

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My H is on the way home with his children and I feel sick.

I am so angry with him that I think it would be best if I wasn't here when they get home. If I'm angry he says I am ruining his children's visit. WELL I AM ANGRY!!!!

I can't control it. I want to slap the hell out of him when he walks in the door. Who does he think he is? I find out he is porking this girl at his work and that she has nude pictures of him. he has told her they could be together and have a baby (while he is walking down the isle with me) Am I suppose to be calm and take care of his children for another week??? I've already done that for 9 years and 6 of those he was with her.

Am I out of control???? Should I be able to hide my feelings for HIS children's sake?


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How old are his kids? Are they old enough to be left alone? If so, If I were you, I'd leave and get a room for a week, tell him he's on his own.


Are you 110% POSITIVE that he's, "porkin" this girl?


Do you have physical proof?


Document, document, document.......you don't have to be used as a sitter......let him deal on his own, and if he is cheating, you'll need to decide if your marriage is worth saving or if you need to start documenting everything you can that you can use against him.


Good luck

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I agree, maybe you could find somewhere else to stay while he's there with the kids and when the kids are gone you can have it out with him about the other woman.

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Yes Moose i'm sure about that. He has been porking her for 6 years. He has already admitted that part. He's been porking her at work, hotel rooms, in the van etc.

The kids are 18,14,&12. The two younger ones go home on Sunday. The oldest one lives here but she leaves for college on the 26th. Will I make it that long? Probably not. I can't concentrate. The kids are use to my undivided attention. We have always been close even though I'm the step mom. They think I'm there source of entertainment. I hate doing this to them but I can't help it. Every time they call my name I could scream.


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