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Why do women do this?....

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...tease and mock guys.


There is a girl (friend)--21yrs old--who flirts with me, yet she is constantly teasing and mocking me. We hang out with a group of friends, and she never hesitates to tease me. Sometimes her teasing is overboard lol...(making fun of how I do things, tendencies, etc.) but I know her pretty well and can deal with it--I do find it very amusing. I end up laughing it off and teasing her...then we end up going back and forth. Is it her way of continuing contact with me? It seems like I am the only one in the group that she give a hard time to. Most of the teasing occurs when we hang out in a group too...lol. When we are alone, her teasing and mocking isn't as potent.


Question: When women flirt, do they include mocking and teasing in their bag of tricks???


I know when I was a kid I did this kind of teasing to girls that I liked. I just wanted to get an idea of how many women would use this method to attract a guy, or if they even believe something like this works. I have noticed this from other women as well.



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Question: When women flirt, do they include mocking and teasing in their bag of tricks???


Yes, many do. There are different types of flirting but many women prefer to use humour in the way you have described rather than any overt sexual content. By commenting on aspects of your personality or appearence she is telling you she has noticed and appreciates you. The only word of caution is that it may not mean a great deal more than this. For many women, flirting of this type is simply fun. In this case, I think it may be significant that she does it more in a group, where she feels safer. When you are alone she's more nervous or shy - a sign of attraction.

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Good call meanon (I hadn't though about the contrast between her group behavior and their one on one thing).


Your question has brought up one of my own, Fundamental:


What if the girl was unattractive to you? Would you still "deal with it--find it very amusing?" If not, then how would you "deal with it?"


Hope I'm not hijacking your thread, but we do have similar issues here. A woman has begun showing up at the pool hall on the night that my buds and I have for years played. Off and on throughout the years there have been women with whom I have had a great time trading Bawdy Banter. They have been attractive. Not this one and just find her annoying.

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Nice perpectives guys...hmmm


****What if the girl was unattractive to you? Would you still "deal with it--find it very amusing?" If not, then how would you "deal with it?"****



Hmmm....unnattractive to me would include her looks as well as personality. If she was unnattractive, I still wouldn't mind the flirting. However, I would probably do less flirting with her due to the fact that there would be less chemistry on my part. I wouldn't take her flirting too seriously, nor would I pay much attention to it.


I find the girl who is currently doing the excessive flirting--teasing, mocking-- with me attractive(looks and personality). So, it's fun or funny. She can get pretty tough with her flirting (teasing and mocking) and I was just wondering if that is the approach that some women take when flirting with a guy. Because if I didn't have a idea about flirting, I would think the mocking was serious. This leads me to a new question:


Is this harsh flirting behavior due to age? She is 21.... and a lot of women in the age group 20-24 do the rough flirting/teasing. I am 27 and don't usually go out/hang out with younger women.




Why do you find her annoying? Is it because of her exessive flirting or is it an attraction issue? I hear you, sometimes too much flirting = annoying.



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mørkt selvmord
Originally posted by fundamental

Question: When women flirt, do they include mocking and teasing in their bag of tricks???



lmao.. i playfully tease and mock everyone.. dont mean i like them.. i love to play with my boyfriends head in a nice way.. we have tickle wars.. (long story)


not all women are like that.. thats a bit childish if you ask me =\

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Well, the thing is she does like me...but it seems the only way she can flirt is by teasing and mocking...lol...and I have found myself starting to play her flirting game. :laugh:



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mørkt selvmord

well then why are you asking for advice when you like it? =\

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Is this harsh flirting behavior due to age? She is 21.... and a lot of women in the age group 20-24 do the rough flirting/teasing. I am 27 and don't usually go out/hang out with younger women.


I would think so.


Qualities such as subtlety in flirting/teasing do come with practice - and a bit of it would certainly be the wisdom that comes with age.


Have you noticed among the older women you (usually, from what I gathered in your post) hang with that they do indeed flirt/tease too, but there is a difference in style/content?

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lol...well from my experience...younger girls are mean--almost annoying-- when they flirt... the older ones are not as harsh... i am just trying to get a feel for the younger woman's flirting style... I am an old man now!!! lol



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Why do you find her annoying? Is it because of her exessive flirting or is it an attraction issue? I hear you, sometimes too much flirting = annoying.


I find her irritating in every sense: She is obese, and she is I suppose, middle aged (which I only mention to say to let you know that she's not some 20 something clown). She is most of all INTRUSIVE. I don't know if I'd call this flirting, but she's just taking up to much SPACE and TIME from the game. Additionally, combined with everything else, she is obnoxious in her mannerisms. I suppose she just rubs me the wrong way.

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I understand completely. Actually, Im trying to sort it out myself.


I hang with a number of women of all ages, from 21 to well into their fifties (for the record, I'm 44).


Frankly I do find the style the younger ones employ harsh, and yes, rather mean. I thought it was just me, or that it had to do with getting older myself.


Too much time has passed for me to recall if I was anywhere near that harsh back in the day.

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The kind of flirting I'm referring to is a lot more playful. I wonder whether it is just experience that accounts for the difference or whether it's that younger women tend to be either more sexually aggressive or less confident (so they seek to gain the upper hand). Reasontosigh, we're to OLD for this debate :D

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LOL, meanon - youre right. We are too old for this one! :laugh:


Just wanted to try to help fundamental out here, although I have to admit it does help me out too. Although I do have younger guys hitting on me too, I have to wonder about the guy's point of view on it - especially when there's all these youngins blatantly hitting on the ones my own age! :mad:;)


The point you made about sexually aggressive/less confident (perhaps even both!?) was an excellent one, though. Kudos!

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Originally posted by meanon

OK, I'll bite :D


Do you notice the same difference with men who flirt with you?


Didn't know I was putting something out there for you to chomp at! But no, actually I don't. So now I have something new to think/perplex about - woohoo!!! :bunny:


Samson..... :laugh:

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When men flirt with me?


Oh yeah, makes all the difference.




Didn't know I was putting something out there for you to chomp at!


Yes! You were tempting me to ask! Sorry, RTS - I'm insatiably curious about people. I'll try not to nibble next time :p

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I'll try not to nibble next time


Tis quite all right - please do! I don't let everybody, of course, being the rather particular sort of girl I am - just wanted to let you know!!!! ;)

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I cannot simply nibble. Like eating potato chips. Cannot eat just one, Reasontosigh, I'm afraid I'd consume you completely.




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