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Cheap parents.


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Hey guys,


As the title says, my parents are quite cheap, my dad isnt that much, but my mom is REALLY REALLY over cheap. My dad is, but not that much and it isnt really showing.


Anyways, yesterday my whole class planned for all of us to go to paintball, but i had plans with another friend, but I told him to delay it to the next day, so he stayed home. As i went out with my friends, I spent a little too much, but it was paitball for gods sake ofcorse i spent alot and i never ever ask for alot o money, like when i go out i barely spend much, i take like 2 or 3KD (I think about 10 dollars) and go out and still have some left, but this time we went to play paintball and it costed 15 KD, and then the rest went while i was going home i took a girl home with a taxi (she lives near my home) and then i went home, now they are giving me **** for this one time that i spent money like others. I always know how to spend, i never ask for anything, and for this once, they are refusing to let me go out with the friend that i left home.


This blows. :/

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Oh well.


Parent's house, parent's rules.


Get a job if you don't like it.


Easy to say in this economy and rental crisis.

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