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Holiday breakdown...ugh

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I've been in no contact with my ex fiance, we left the last contact on good terms. He was the first person to text me on thanksgiving before I started no contact. Since I started I haven't heard from him which is for the best and obviously makes it clear that he really didn't want to speak and was trying to be nice. Have to say I'm having trouble though today, because I 100% thought that I would hear from him, and I haven't. It's only been two and a half months, and for most of it we remained in contact on good terms... after all we had he can't wish me a merry Christmas? It's a devastating blow. I know I should be grateful that he hasn't contacted me, but I feel like my entire day is ruined now. I tried to prepare myself for him not getting in touch with me, but I don't think it was possible for me to genuinely convince myself that in just two months we would go from planning a wedding to him not even taking a second to send a text. How do I pull myself together? Any one else not hear from their ex today?


Merry Christmas to everyone.

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