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Ladies, can a man's underwear selection be a deal breaker?

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I have always been a boxer guy since i was in middle school. Unless you wanted to get beat up, you wore boxers. Up until recently all my underwear were boxers.


In the last few years as I have become more secure with myself and my sexuality I have started wearing more boxer-briefs and even more recently briefs or trunks.


Honestly wearing briefs and smaller/tighter underwear make me feel more sexy and show off my package better. I still leave plenty of space for the boys, but now i don't have to flop around all day.


So is deviating from the status-quo boxers a deal breaker? Do you find a man who is secure with his underwear selection sexy?

Edited by a LoveShack.org Moderator
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Hi. I'll warn you first that I am older and old-fashioned. That said, I would not want to be with a guy who wore girlie underwear. I like the masculine-feminine dichotomy.

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When I'm with a guy I really like, his underwear or boxers aren't going to stay on for very long anyway.


So for me, doesn't matter.

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