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I am so lonely and can't leave him alone

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My life is a mess, and I have no one to talk to about it. Over the last few months, I have been rehearsing for a theatre production, and got friendly with a guy who was in it. I thought nothing of it, and would go along to each rehearsal, and have a laugh, flirt a bit, and then head home. During show week, we got to know each other more, and at the after show party, it was where it all came to a head. I ended up back at his place, and we slept together.

The awful thing about it is that I'm married, albeit an unhappy marriage, but had no intention of this happening, and have completely ruined a good friendship as a result. The other thing is that this guy is ten years younger than me, and has other ideas about life, and probably treated me as a bit of an experiment of the older woman.

My marriage is well and truly over, but the thing that bothers me more, is that I cannot stop thinking about this guy. I keep weighing up all the reasons why I need to stop contact with him, but it all just gets overshadowed by the way he makes me feel.


I know he's not interested in me, because of the excuses he makes for not meeting up with me. He lead me on that night, I know it takes two to tango, but he was very persuasive, and because I am so obsessed with somebody liking me, I have become obsessed.


He's so friendly via text, and keeps telling me to give it time, but when I don't hear from him I find myself checking my phone every five minutes to see if he has texted. I've deleted his number, so that I don't text him some dumb message that he won't reply to. I don't know what's wrong with me, because I can't get anything else done in this state.


I've bought him drinks if we go out, I've bought him a Christmas present, I can't believe how ridiculous I'm being, but I can't stop because I'm so lonely. I wish I'd never got involved, as he clearly has no feelings for me, claiming that being with me is too complicated because of my marriage.


I have no friends, and my family wouldn't understand.

Honest unbiased advice please

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