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I honestly think love is unconditional.


I would find your thoughts on my madness interesting.


Ignore this - I won't be back and it's rude to ask a question. But happy new year all!

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well I was just about to answer your question when I saw you posted that you aren't coming back and to just ignore this. Are you alright wheelright? I haven'.t seen you around here for a while and your posts tonight are kind of odd? Like you posted as a BS in the infidelity forum but I always thought you were the WS. Why do you suddenly think it's rude to ask questions? I thought everyone did that on public forums. See I just asked you several questions...LOL

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It is unconditional until someone crumples it up and throws it in the trash. Then that love becomes very conditional.

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I think the only people deserving of unconditional love are my daughters and other members of my family, however that comes with boundaries.


My little daughter is pretty darned cute too.


Oh, yeah, she also deserves unconditional love.


But shes also really cute :love:

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I do not think romantic love can be or should be unconditional. That is saying that there are no conditions to change it and that isn't smart or realistic. Romantic love is based on ego, simply by being based on one's sex drive and that is conditional.


I think self love should be unconditional. That is love that should know no bounds. And for someone's children.

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I don't believe it's possible to be unconditional and maintain one's self esteem.


There must be some conditions or rules attached to a relationship...otherwise, we wouldn't be human.



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I honestly think love is unconditional.


I would find your thoughts on my madness interesting.



Hello Wheelwright,


As a person who was raised with Christian beliefs, I am inclined to believe that only GOD loves unconditionally.


However, I believe that as humans, we can believe that we do so. As Catplates mentioned, this is likely to become unhealthy and I agree, from past experience.


Hope to see you on LS again, WW. Take care.

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I think love can be unconditional. But unconditional love isn't always sustainable. If H decided to leave to be with ow I suspect I would still love him in some way but that emotion wouldn't change anything material.


With my children I honestly don't know what they could do to stop me loving them.

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Summer Breeze

Love can be unconditional but it doesn't mean you have to stay with it if it's not good for you. DMM and xH are cases for me. I loved them both umconditionally but when I was hurting enough that I was done I left. I left but it didn't mean the love was gone. It meant I was the priority.

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