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sex addiction?


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Hello, I know this is lengthy, but I would apreciate anyones feedback.


Three years ago I logged onto my computer to find that, my boyfriend(husband now), had been looking at pornography. He promised never to do this again and told me he only did it when I was away because he missed me. I felt unsure of myself, decieved, and hurt.


A year later I came home to find my fiance with his pants around his ankles in front of my computer again, even though all of the evidence was staring me in the face he denied it. This time I felt even more unsure of my sexuality, even more decieved and even more hurt. This time I talked to my mom and a trusted friend about it, they both told me


the issue was the lying not the pornography, but I looked at the websites and they were really raunchy(not kids, but women in compromising and degrading positions). He apologized and promised he didn`t need pornagraphy in his life. At this point I told him if he needed to buy a playboy I would understand, but I also told him the level of


pornography he had been viewing was not acceptable to me.


Well it has been a year and a half, we`ve gotten married and have what I thought was a mutually satifying sex life. The


only thing that wasn`t ok was that he had asked me to let him spray my face with cum I felt uncomfortable and I told him this, yet he continued to ask me--monday night I found


out why. Just for background we had made love twice on saturday,, but not on Saturday because he had a allergic reaction. I was asleep before him, but I woke up when he


slipped out of bed. I listened to him tip toe around and I got a sick feeling. This time he was watching a video of men coming all over women. Once again I feel decieved, unsure of


my ability to satisfy a man, unsure of my sex apeal, and hurt. I got the same excuses. "All men do it" "I play the percentages--I didn`t want to hurt you." He tells me he has had this tape for a year. I am now marrried and I take my vows seriously divorce is not an option for me. Is this a sex addiction? What do I do? After he was done giving me all his excuses he went to sleep, I was still up two hours later and I wanted him to listen to my feelings so I woke him up. He flipped out. He was two inches from my face--calling me a


loser and a ##### and a little girl. He told me I was not a woman over and over again I am so ashamed of myself for what I did next--I slapped him. I left and slept at my brothers.


I made a mistake, I didn`t head the warning signs for this pornography thing or his anger management problem, and now I`m married and have done something I am ashamed of(the slap). I know it could be worse, at least I don`t have any kids. Is he a sex addict? What haven`t I caught him doing? What do I do? I`m too ashamed of myself and the position I`m in to talk to anyone about it. I would really be grateful to get some feedback.

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