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Does he really love me or is he gonna leave

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[font=arial][/font][color=violet][/color]I am new at this so will give it my best.

I met my husband on the internet, he was devastated that his wife had been having online affairs and was leaving him.

We started out as friends ( i was a widow with 4 children) and he was hesitant about getting into a relationship to start off with. But eventually he grew on me and we discovered we were in love.

He asked me one day if he could be a father to my children (he never had children of his own) and i was thrilled.

We met and decided to live together, eventually leading to marraige. I worship the ground he walks on, i do anything i can to make him happy. I try hard as i can to be a good wife.

I recently discovered a picture of a woman on my computer, followed by an email he was sending a picture of him self to another woman. When i got into his archive i was devastated. He had been really friendly with another woman, he had said stuff to her that he used to say to me on the net. He sent her a kiss icon and told her he would miss her and couldnt wait to see her again.

I am so upset we have been married for 6 months and until now i thought our marraige was perfect.

I am blaming myself thinking i havent been a good enough wife or i have done something to make him not love me anymore, even though confronted with the evidence he says he loves.

He says he was lonely so i have quit my night job. I just dont know whether to trust him anymore i keep thinking is he going to keep talking to this woman.

I am so upset and confused i dont know what to do i dont want to lose my marriage i love my husband immensely. I really could do with some advice here what do i do.

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So his defense was he was lonely, and he was possibly going to stray, and you had to quit your job for him?


Yeeeeeeeeah, I'd go with "Next!"

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So, basically, he wasn't even sorry that he hurt you?


How long have you known this guy in person? Does he work?


Is it possible that he is taking advantage of you financially?



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