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Ladies...fellas...i need ur help ppl!!! simple advice too...


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wuddup everyone...dis is my first post...whoo..lol..


okay...down to bizzness...i work at a mall...and my only chance to meet girls at this time is at malls...sounds obvious


okay...when your at the mall...ur mostly walking...or sittin down to eat...how the hell do u approach a girl...i bet most girls would find it extremely weird if some guys just goes up to her and starts talkin to her...so com'on ladies...help a brother out...i'm 18 and i've never had a gf...never asked a girl out or w/e...i just want a gf to chill wit...sex isn't the main reason...i just want a relationship...kinda like bein best friends except having an attraction for one another...


Also...just couple of week ago...this girl i liked was giving me eye contact...u know those glares...but in a good way...are those just mixed signals?


thanks...i'll appreciate any help i can get...

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It takes some cajones, but go up to the girl you find attractive, smile and ask if there is any way you could take her out that weekend (or what day you prefer). Don't over bullsh*t her, keep it simple and straightforward. If she says no, just smile as if it's not a big deal, say "That's all right," and walk away.


You could also go to a music store in mall, hang around your favorite section, and start a conversation with a girl who seems interested in the same kind of music as you.


If you're too nervous to approach a group of girls--and girls tend to congregate in packs at malls--try going to a concert or heading out to a local park.

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Ask one of your buddy's girlfriends to set you up......I met my wife while she was visiting her ex boyfriend which happened to be my roomate at the time. Snatched her right up!!!! ;)

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Moose you dog you.. lol


I say just go up to the girl.. It's a mall it happens all the time.


Pick up a little pink shirt and say do you think this will look good on me and make them laugh lol (a guy did that once to me and hey it worked for me)


Or the music Idea is good too. Music is one of the most important things in my life and so if I met a guy at a music store who was interested in my kinda music that would be cool.


But you need cojones. lol Don't be sccuuurreed walk up to a girl.

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I'll never forget the day I got asked out in a department store. I was walking with my mother, doing our regular shopping, and a male that was walking behind us starting talking about my tan (a very odd first line, but it sure got our attention! :p ). We stopped, started a little small talk, and then he asked if he could have my number to take me out for coffee.


I am very "protective" I guess you could say, so I won't give out my number to strangers. So, after this experience I was thinking of things he could of said that would of made me say yes.


1. Say "Here, I'll give you MY number in case you ever want to go for coffee or just hang out"


2. "How would you like to join me in the food court for a coffee?" (hopefully asking my mother to join to, since I wouldn't leave her to go have a coffee...). Since we were in the mall already this would of been perfect. Not as stressful as most dates with a person you don't know at all.


So my advice is, if you see a cute girl walking by herself or with a friend, ask her/them to join you in the food court for a coffee. It would help in getting a "yes" from her too, since it's not the usual "can I have your number" pick up line.


Hope this helps, and good luck!! I'm sure you'll find that special someone soon!

~BurningBright :p

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hey ice, perfect scenario to get matched with someone. A mixed incoming of different types of girls for you to choose from. What I die to work in a mall? lucky you. Anyway back to advice: Watch out for the groups that seem to be in trendy clothes, those are usually the ones that blow you away with rude remarks. Go for ones that are hanging out with one or two guy friends but make sure to look for signs that the one you are hitting on is not currently with the BF. Approaching a group with some guys gives you a little edge than going strong against a group of only girls. If there are no topics to talk to with the girls, you can skip one with the guys and if the guys find you cool to talk to, you have given a nice impression to the girls that you are at least chillable. You have to see if you can be datable further down the road. Always make eye contact to the one you are talking with. If you have to approach 4 girls at once, alternate the look to each so you are giving them all equal attention but in their minds they are thinking of individual attention. Catch one or two alone and go for the number. Say something like : you know I had a pretty good time talking to you and your friends back there. Do you wanna hang out sometime? (make it a social outing like pool, tennis, poem reading). I hope I helped a bit. Good Luck.

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Quick pickups on the street are pretty hard, but definitely possible.


I think the most important thing is to know exactly what the cues are and to act on them quickly and decisively.


If she smiles, talk to her. Find something she's wearing, compliment her on it, and ask her a question or two about it.


If she warms up after that, maybe you could ask her what brings her to the mall (She'll probably say I'm looking for a dress or something like that). Ask her what she likes to do in her free time.


In a quick pickup situation, the pickup should last no more than five minutes and if it ends sooner, that's okay. Just say, well, "I'd love to chat more but I've got to go now. How about you give me your phone number and we'll get together sometime"


And when you ask the above question, don't ask it; say it. It makes you look better if you can suggest rather than ask, because she'll think you're the strong, decisive type rather than the "I hope I get your number" type.


You'll either get a yea or nay. If you get no response, just blow it off. It was only five minutes of your time, and you could use the practice anyway. Do it often enough and someone will say yes.

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wait, to fully understand your potential at the mall, clarify something: what position do you work in the mall?

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And so what if people are standing around in the mall?


Afraid of rejection? So what if people see you crash and burn? I've had some of my co-workers and good friends watch me crash and burn, and while it's maybe a slight bruise to the ego, it's actually kind of funny - something to laugh at later.

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I don't think it'd be strange to ask someone out that you see at the mall. I don't recomment just going up and saying "wanna go out?" I think you should start a conversation first, possibly about music if you're in the music store, or what have you. Then when you've talked for a bit, tell her you've really liked talking to her and you'd like to get to know her more, and ask her out.

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Visit the CD store, or the video store. Of course there's always the department stores, and clothing shops.


Malls. Gotta love 'em.

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man i have the same problem too.like everytime i wanna step to a girl,i know i'll


look stupid trying to talk,why why why,i liked the music idea and the clothes.


one thing i wanted to tell you,girls go love love platonic friends i love em,he's so


cute,just be sure that some point you'll make a wrong turn and do what will make


you soooooo confused,but i just wanted to tell all the girls,i love you all,you make


me feel good,thanx for breaking my heart...


sorry man i just got a little overdosed


thanx anyways

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