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My body is burning....what's going on??

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I have this weird new burning sensation....it's all across my stomach and love handles...all the way around me. I've been exercising like a demon lately but I recently just took a couple days off. Is this my body burning my fat?? Or something else? Anyone ever experienced this? It's not painful, just weird. And no I haven't been doing ab crunches or anything lately....just rollerblading a lot and TONS of laps in the pool (and treading water).....any ideas? I like to think it's my body burning up all my fat but I don't think I'm that lucky.

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No, it's NOT your body burning fat. There could be very serious medical issues involved. Among the possiblities are thyroid disease, infectious disease, various neurological problems or even a brain tumor. Call your doctor as soon as his or her office opens and let them know you may have a medical emergency. If you can 't get an appointment within a day or two, go to a Walk-In Clinic or to a local emergency room to get examined.


We are not doctors here. You should never, ever rely on the opinions of strangers on the Internet to help you diagnose serious medical problems.


Fat does NOT burn. It metabolizes and leaves the body via the bloodstream and various organs in a most discrete way.

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Um.... :eek: Thanks for responding but I don't really think it's anything like that. I've had this feeling before after working out a lot during the day and stuff like that. Or exercising a lot. It's not painful at all....just a hotness....hard to explain. It's not affecting my job performance or anything I'm just noticing it.

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Is it a burning sensation as in you feel it from the inside or are you saying those areas feel hot when you put your hand on them?

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Definitely a burning sensation from the inside. But not in my organs or anything...just around the middle of my body. Have any ideas?

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Well, it's hard to tell. I've felt that before in my abs but after doing ab exercises. Plus, first you said it was a 'wierd new feeling' and now you're saying you've felt it often before. Maybe you should see a doc.


BTW, exercising 'like a demon' isn't good for you. You're actually supposed to take a day off between vigorous bouts of exercise to let the muscles mend themselves.

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Not sure I get what you mean Sami? If it's a painful type of burning...it could be shingles...the adult form of chicken pox which is nothing like chicken pox..I got it years ago and had a "belt" of burning and pain around my middle, but no rash. Go to a Dr. to find out, no sense in trying to figure it out yourself. We are not Drs.... :)

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Unless they are seriously painful, burning sensations that follow bodily exercises are normal and sexually healthy . Our human bodies react in different ways. That is what I meant. I only tried to put it in a very nice way (hahahahahahah).

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Here is how I do things in my life:


If I begin to notice a feeling that I am confused about, which involves my body, I go ask a doctor. If I notice pain that I'm confused about, I go and ask my doctor. If I see something that I'm not sure about, I go and ask my doctor. I find it's always best to go and ask my doctor, and I recommend you do the same. If you're having questions about this, it's best to make sure everything is alright before assuming it is.

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I'm pretty sure I'm ok guys...thanks for worrying for me. It's honestly nothing major...and like I said I haven't exercised in a couple of days so it can't be burning following strenuous exercise. I couldn't go to a doctor anyways cuz I work later than the doctor's office is open. I'm fine, REALLY!

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