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Should I end this?

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So I just started a new relationship two weeks ago and i'm already thinking of ending it. Reasons why it started off wrong to begin with. What we have started off unexpectedly, I had a bf at the time and he had a gf. We went to high school together but never actually talked we were just friends on myspace, he messaged me once I had a feeling he was trying to flirt with me but I wasn't sure since he had a gf at the time so I just carried on a normal conversation about our halloween costumes. The was the last time we talked which was in 2006. Then we became friends on facebook we were friends for about a year on there and had no communication at all. Then last year when me and my bf were broken up he messaged me asking if we had ever talked before, I told him only once on myspace about our halloween costumes. I don't remember what else we talked about but I think we were flirting because we ended up with each others phone numbers. I don't remember if we ever texted or not I think maybe a couple of times. I got back with my bf a month later and we didn't talk again till months after when he texted me that he had had a dream about me he told me he dreamt that we were hanging out at the beach and we kissed. It was kind of odd to me that he had dreamt about me when we hardly ever talked. I didn't say much about the dream. He tried talking to me on the phone a couple of times but I said I couldn't. A few months after we started texting, he was helping me with some computer stuff. He never finished helping me with that stuff because we had opposite work schedules so we just gave up on that. We didn't talk for about a month. I saw him at a friends kickback back in August he didn't talk to me at all didn't even say hi but he did try opening a beer for me when he saw me looking around for one I noticed he was looking at me and thought I saw him reach to me but I just walked right pass him. The next day I texted him saying he was rude for not even saying hi in a joking way then he brought how he tried opening my beer bottle. After that we began texting a lot and eventually it turned in to flirting. It just kept turning more serious as time passed we ended up seeing each other and cheating on our partners (which i'm not proud of). We kept that going for about a month and a half. I had feelings for him but didn't think he'd ever break up with his gf. By the end of September they broke up because his gf cheated on him. We kept talking and I broke up with my bf in November. And in December 20th he asked me to be his gf. I thought it was too soon but since we had been talking for months and we pretty much already had a relationship going on since we talked everyday and saw each other often I decided to say yes. He's in Mexicon on vacation at the moment he asked me to be his gf a day before he left. Since then he logs on to facebook to talked to me about twice a day but I notice a change a few days after Christmas and I haven't talked to him for two days now. I don't know what's going on but I can see something has changed. I've been thinking so many things like he could have met someone out there or he might be talking to someone else on facebook. There is a girl he had a crush on back in high school and for a while after that never liked him back so he gave up trying to be with her. They are still friends and are going to have lunch when he comes back. I want to end what we have because I have trust issues because he's cheated before on two of his gf's twice on the last one. And i've noticed a couple of things about him that I don't like. I mostly scared that he'll cheat on me with that crush of his although he says he doesn't feel that way for her anymore. I'm not comfortable with him having lunch with her and talking to her so much. He also still talks to his ex gf. I'm really confused on what I should do. Help please! Also sorry for the long post and sorry if my story is confusing.

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First of all, you guys are most likely just rebounding with each other. Second of all, your relationship is based on lying and cheating, even if it wasn't on each other. There will always be an element of mistrust running through your relationship because you have both shown each other you are capable of cheating!


He is going on a lunch date with another girl and still in contact with the ex who dumped him...this whole thing is bad news, you should probably end it and maybe just be single for a little while.

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Sorry, but he sounds kinda dodgy to me. If he really was as certain as he says, he wouldn't be arranging to meet with this other girl. A real man doesn't mess women around. I think you could do better. You deserve more, do you not? Despite what others may think, there are other good men out there, just that it sometimes takes time finding another good one. They are sometimes worth the wait, you know :). Never lose hope. Ever ;)

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And i've noticed a couple of things about him that I don't like. I mostly scared that he'll cheat on me


That may never change if you continue seeing him. Not many people change for the better, I'm afraid.

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