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Women who claim nobody wants them

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After she rejected 25 average guys in row.


The only men that count are the top 20% looks wise. Rest doesn't exist.


Hypergamy at its finest. Women have endless options. Lowest of the low women can get attention online.


The average male is the equal to 4'10, retarded, one legged, fish faced, wheelchaird unemployed woman.

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You are too extreme in your views Necromancer. You take bits of truth and extrapolate to a ludicrous level. Yes overall women at your age have it much easier than men in the same age group. Stop focusing on that. When you are spending your time aggravated some men are taking chances and actually scoring some wonderful women. You need to spend more time living life instead of complaining about it. That will actually improve your chances of success.


Also, your signature just says looks, money and status. You are neglecting a huge pillar of attraction... personality

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Some women really don't have any guys interested in them. At least maybe at any given moment.


I don't have a single guy interested in me right now, and have not had a guy show interest in me for about 2 years (and I did not reject him either :) )


and that's okay with me, as I'm not interested in anyone either.


Sometimes romance and dating prospects just aren't in the plans at certain periods of people's lives.

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That top 20% figure is a myth. The simple reason is that one persons 10 is anothers 7. One woman who thinks the George Clooney and Brad Pitt are handsome will find Jean Claude Van damme to short and muscly. Women who like the Bruce Lee/ Van Damme type will think that a Arnold Schwarzenager type is too much. Further still there are the women who like that Danile Jackson/ Harry Potter look in a man (yes such women exist).


Remember to be happy you don't need every woman just one or two really long term relationships can span a lifetime.

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After she rejected 25 average guys in row.


The only men that count are the top 20% looks wise. Rest doesn't exist.


Hypergamy at its finest. Women have endless options. Lowest of the low women can get attention online.


The average male is the equal to 4'10, retarded, one legged, fish faced, wheelchaird unemployed woman.


Most average males get women, most below average males get women. Part of the reason why I feel so bad to be Incel.

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I think your view of the world is wrong. Very wrong. Based on what you wrote below I would qualify as an Alpha male....when I'm a tranny and live as a woman. I've done all the things you describe, while out about my gender and sexuality. SOooo. :p


In real life an alpha male is a married family man who's wife would never cheat on him. He has his children, has a good job, and he takes care of his family. The only way he resembles your alpha male is that he may divorce his old wife for a younger woman to have more chidren with. He differs in that he's never a dead beat. He holds up his community, as would a pillar.


Of course. Hypergamy has always existed, will always continue to exist. That's why I laugh at suckers who get married and think that they are immune to the sexual marketplace. That couldn't be further from the truth. In the modern era, it is more important now more than ever for a man to learn game and to be an alpha male. If a man isn't an alpha male, he is shooting himself in the foot. The woman can deny all she wants, but she will always wonder what its like to be with other alphas or she will remember the times in her life when she was able to get an alpha. Most marriages end badly today because people marry out of desperation. What happens when you put a beta male with no options with a desperate woman who wants to start a family? You get a recipe for disaster.


The average modern man is invisible. Even if he is not a beta, he does not have anything that sets him apart from the men who ARE betas. Having a good job is not enough. Having access to financial resources is not enough. Being a "good guy" is not enough. Women mainly married these guys because married allowed women to have access to resources that they simply could not have being single. This was during the 50s where women had limited career mobility. Now in the modern era, a woman can make all the money she wants. She doesn't need a man.


The ideal scenario for a woman is to have an alpha lover and a beta provider. The beta provides the woman with the distinction of "girlfriend" and a second stream of financial revenue while the alpha takes care of her sexual needs. The woman wishes to control the beta and tame the alpha with little risk to her.


That's why it is imperative for as many modern men as possible to learn game. Without it, they'll be equivalent to white wallpaper. Men need to wise up and know what is actually going on. When that happens, the divorce rate in society will decrease and society will be able to be more stabilized as a result. It's no coincidence that our society is declining while the divorce rate rises. The nuclear family has been the cornerstone of stability for every single civilization that has existed on planet Earth. Without it, a society is just waiting to implode on itself.


There is a top "percentage" of men but it isn't as clear cut as 20 percent. The Pareto Principle is just something people like to use for convenience. It is true that a majority of men lose out when it comes to the dating arena.

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Most average males get women, most below average males get women. Part of the reason why I feel so bad to be Incel.


I know what you mean, guess I'm below below average or something.

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I know what you mean, guess I'm below below average or something.


It's not so black and white!!! I think Adrian Brody and Edward Norton are hot. Every person has traits they like, love, and can handle. So instead of seeing yourself as a yes or no, see everyone as a maybe.


Guys are shocked I like chest hair. And sometimes BO. Yeah body odor. This just prove everyone is diiiiiiiiifferent!!!

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Some women really don't have any guys interested in them. At least maybe at any given moment.


I don't have a single guy interested in me right now, and have not had a guy show interest in me for about 2 years (and I did not reject him either :) )


and that's okay with me, as I'm not interested in anyone either.


Sometimes romance and dating prospects just aren't in the plans at certain periods of people's lives.

No interest in two years? I highly doubt that.


If you don't mind, how old are you? And do you live in an area where there are zero men?

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No interest in two years? I highly doubt that.


If you don't mind, how old are you? And do you live in an area where there are zero men?


I'm 23, and I live in a very small town, so while there ARE men, alot of them at my age are already married. I don't expect to get any prospects while living here, but I'm in no hurry. I'll find someone when I move to a larger area.


And maybe it depends on what constitutes "interest"... I had no guys interested in a date, or even just a casual fling, but last month a homeless guy on the street told me I smelled nice. If that constitutes "interest" then okay, haha.

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Lonely Ronin

When men claim no girl wants them on the other hand, they usually mean it literally, as in even ugly fat women don't want them. For the record, I don't hold any grudges against women for rejecting me...I've completely come to terms with my situation because I know I am genetic trash.


I think you are off about this. The social norm is for men to initiate, so if a man wants to no if a woman is interested it's on him to find out. If he never talks to the woman on the other side of the bar, he will never know that she is interested. Unless he is super attractive and she is very bold, she isn't going to approach him.

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Let's go down the list, both of those guys are....


famous actors


relatively tall

not to mention above average looking for a 40 year old guy


Those are the last things most women want in a guy.


True but you don't know what jim from around the corner looks like..so...famous people have to stand in for joe six pack (of beer) who has at best a four pack.

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Let's go down the list, both of those guys are....


famous actors


relatively tall

not to mention above average looking for a 40 year old guy


Those are the last things most women want in a guy.


They have confidence in themselves, and they worked hard to get where they are.

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last month a homeless guy on the street told me I smelled nice. If that constitutes "interest" then okay, haha.

Of course that doesn't count. Unless you want it to.

I'm 23, and I live in a very small town, so while there ARE men, alot of them at my age are already married. I don't expect to get any prospects while living here, but I'm in no hurry. I'll find someone when I move to a larger area.

That's exactly what I expected.


Obviously it's not you, it's your environment.

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I don't have a single guy interested in me right now, and have not had a guy show interest in me for about 2 years (and I did not reject him either :) )





I'm a guy and im interested. Probably not the guy you want but your streak is over. Helping people in my first post.



Yes overall women at your age have it much easier than men in the same age group.


You should have opened with that. It was the most important sentence.



I know what you mean, guess I'm below below average or something.



I hear you. Well the USA the divorce rate is like 50%.

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OP look at it this way: If a woman won't be true to herself and realize that the men she can get a relationship from won't be as good looking as the men she can get casual sex from then let HER worry about it. If She's gonna waste her prime child bearing years trying to reign in some guy that's out of her league it's her problem. Unless you have half a brain you know what you can pull on the attractivness scale.

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After she rejected 25 average guys in row.


The only men that count are the top 20% looks wise. Rest doesn't exist.


Hypergamy at its finest. Women have endless options. Lowest of the low women can get attention online.


The average male is the equal to 4'10, retarded, one legged, fish faced, wheelchaird unemployed woman.


I think that part of your problem is that you are hanging out with women who really do want that, the top 20% in looks.


And I'll admit, there's a LOT of women out there like that. But some are not. It has a lot to do with how a woman is raised I think. If her mom, and her childhood friends teach her to lust after hot men, that's what she'll chase after.


I remember a co-worker of mine who would send her mom pics of all the guys she worked with and her mom would pick the hottest guy in the photo and be like, "What about him?!" So, obviously, that's what she chased after. But my mother would never do that. Pick the hottest guy and tell my sister to chase after it. I think that's what a lot of it comes from.

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Some women really don't have any guys interested in them. At least maybe at any given moment.


I don't have a single guy interested in me right now, and have not had a guy show interest in me for about 2 years (and I did not reject him either :) )


and that's okay with me, as I'm not interested in anyone either.


Sometimes romance and dating prospects just aren't in the plans at certain periods of people's lives.


I'm interested too!


That makes two in 24 hours. Your streak is clearly over. :laugh:

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I think you are off about this. The social norm is for men to initiate, so if a man wants to no if a woman is interested it's on him to find out. If he never talks to the woman on the other side of the bar, he will never know that she is interested. Unless he is super attractive and she is very bold, she isn't going to approach him.


He's probably sort of like me, his problem may not be that he's just waiting for women to approach him but that when he approaches he's always rejected everytime.


I myself am always rejected by every girl I approach, never kissed a girl, never had a girlfriend, girls don't show any interest in me at all. I can't even get a second date, of the few dates I have been on all of them were with women who had no interest in me but liked the idea of a free meal or movie and just went on a date with me anyway, and then afterwards tell me she isn't interested. Like the last date I went on the girl acted very nice on the date told me she had a wonderful time, but I noticed after the date she never returned my messages except for the last message I sent her where I decided to be blunt and ask her if she's interested and she told me, no, she doesn't want to date.

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He's probably sort of like me, his problem may not be that he's just waiting for women to approach him but that when he approaches he's always rejected everytime.


I myself am always rejected by every girl I approach, never kissed a girl, never had a girlfriend, girls don't show any interest in me at all. I can't even get a second date, of the few dates I have been on all of them were with women who had no interest in me but liked the idea of a free meal or movie and just went on a date with me anyway, and then afterwards tell me she isn't interested. Like the last date I went on the girl acted very nice on the date told me she had a wonderful time, but I noticed after the date she never returned my messages except for the last message I sent her where I decided to be blunt and ask her if she's interested and she told me, no, she doesn't want to date.


Keep trying.


That's how it is. If you read some of the other threads here, you'll find that some women can't wait to jump certain guys' bones after a few dates. That's probably not you. That's OK.


I feel that, the more realistic you are about your situation, the more you can attack it at an angle to make it work for you.


Don't think you're boring, or rude, or socially incompetent. Just keep trying.

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I'm a guy and im interested. Probably not the guy you want but your streak is over. Helping people in my first post.


I'm interested too!


That makes two in 24 hours. Your streak is clearly over. :laugh:


Wow! Quite the lucky streak for me today ;), who knew posting on LS could be so beneficial? Hehe

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Keep trying.


That's how it is. If you read some of the other threads here, you'll find that some women can't wait to jump certain guys' bones after a few dates. That's probably not you. That's OK.


I feel that, the more realistic you are about your situation, the more you can attack it at an angle to make it work for you.


Don't think you're boring, or rude, or socially incompetent. Just keep trying.


Being rejected literally everytime does wear on a person, for me just getting a date is a major accomplishment and even then the only girls who decide to go on a date with me aren't interested in me in the slightest in the first place but they do get free meals and movies.


Its best for me to try to stop caring so much, honestly not every one is supposed to find someone anyway.

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You are too extreme in your views Necromancer. You take bits of truth and extrapolate to a ludicrous level. Yes overall women at your age have it much easier than men in the same age group. Stop focusing on that.


Concurring with this. Life sucks for men but it's not because we can't get laid. It's because so many women want to entrap us in marriage and hold the legal power to ruin our lives.

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Lonely Ronin

I feel that, the more realistic you are about your situation, the more you can attack it at an angle to make it work for you.


That's probably the best advise I have seen on ls in a while. The only thing you I would add to it, is stop holding every rejection against the opposite gender, I it achieves nothing.

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