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All he wanted was 1 thing - sex!!!

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Okay, I recently broke up with my ex boyfriend of 6 months and i thought if I go out, it might help me get over him. So I got invited to a friends birthday and i met a wonderful, attractive, handsome guy. My heart melted as soon as I saw him.


I began to flirt with him by trying to gain eye contact and smiling at him. Eventually he approached me and we started talking. I ended up kissing him, but apparently all he wanted was 1 thing - sex. i told him that I wasn't ready for it and didn't feel comfortable with the idea of doing this. So he told me he would go somewhere else and get it. So I just ignored him when he said that.


Later that night I ended up dancing with him and he gave me his phone number. I called him the next day and he told me that he wasn't interested in anyone at the moment. He was only interested at the party because he was drunk. He also told me that he was interested in anything. What ever that means!!!


I really like him and i was attracted to him. I really want to see him again but i am not quite sure if he is looking for something long term or just a one night stand. I have never been in this situation before and am very confused in whether I should ask him out or not.


I cant stop thinking about him and I really like him...Help!!![font=arial][/font]

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i told him that I wasn't ready for it and didn't feel comfortable with the idea of doing this. So he told me he would go somewhere else and get it. So I just ignored him when he said that.


Why are you still thinking about him? :confused: He sounds like a major jerk. I think you should just forget him and find someone who cares about more than just sex. Think about it, you JUST met this guy and he wanted to have sex with you. If he was like that with you, how many other girls do you figure he has done that with? Would you REALLY want a guy like that?

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He sounds like a real winner. At least he's honest, though. This guy doesn't want to "date". He wants to bang. That's all. Doesn't sound like he was being too choosy either, "I'll just go look for it elsewhere..." Nice guy.

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Ok, look back over what you wrote....Doesn't appear the man is out looking for a long-term relationship. I think that's pretty obvious. You don't know him, so I wouldn't go as far as to say you like him a lot. You think he's hot.

I'm going to be blunt here....If you want to get laid, and nothing else, call him. There's nothing wrong with wanting to get laid. If you want something more than that, tear up the number, and remember that men are like buses....the next one comes in 15 minutes. :)

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