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Is she shy around others or embarresed?

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It all started when my friend and I went out platonicly, we have been on about 3 dates. When we're alone she is always happy and always listening. Now when we're with our other friends she doesn't even say "Hi." Before we had dated she always talked to me in front of them. I thought that she was just bored with me, but after I asked her on another date she was her unusual loving self again. I either want to have the old friend back or take it to the next level, but is she interested in me that way? We, meaning our friends, she, and I have known each-other for about 5 years, does she dare to tell our friends?

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sounds to me like she doesn't want 'all the mates' to treat you differently as a couple than they would normally, either that or she doesn't know if you want 'everyone' knowing bout yous two.


I used to be the life and soul of the party in 'my' group until i decided i fancied one of them, i couldn't even look em in the eye and everything i said to him all of a sudden became so much more important to get right or be funny or act cool. I was a mess!

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when I was really young (im talking about when I was in highschool) I dated this guy, and I was so happy, so excited to be with him, that I could barely breathe, let alone speak around him I was so nervous.


Maybe she's nervous, doesnt want to say something stupid, struggling with now being your girl and being in the whole friend group dynamic?

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Thanks for sharing those stories, it gave me the confidence to talk to her about it. We went out and I asked about the state of our relationship. She felt as awkward as I did around them, it was a combination of being nervous and being accepted by our friends, so we decided to tell them about us. We found out that our friends already knew about us, and were supportive. Now we can finally be happy.


Thanks again for the reply's.

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