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boyfriend is unfair

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he says i shouldnt bother him while hes on his way to work , all i say is have a good day and i love you . but today i asked him to next time put his plate away he yelled at me saying i was wrong for that and annoying and that he doesnt want me to contact him while hes on his way to work am i wrong for feeling that he's cheating, he gets upset when i tell him that a old friend from highschool asked to buy my truck he said he was mad at me because i didnt tell him that a man was trying to talk to me ,i get these strong urges he is cheating

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in the beginning of our relationship i was the same person he fell in love with .. supposedly.. but my bestfriend who happens to be a man my boyfriend had a problem with the way we communicated .. texted all lot well so did my bff girlfriend but everytime we argued i walked away my boyfriend accused me of going to him , so i told my bff we had to stop tlking as much, but its been time where he hugged his ex and aske her why did she stop talking to him i spoke up and asked him why does she matter?he said i was out of line , im starting to feel he want his cake and eat it too sometimes but i cant do that I wasnt raised that way i was raised to be equal to my partner . not to be picked at everthing i do , if i eat, its too much if i dont , i dont eat at all. if i stay in the house , im boring and need to to et out more if i go somewhere its wierd and i get 30000000 questions and if i answer any question differently im lying and up to something, i need to know why is he behaving this way?

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i keep my mind 100% on my work at times, if this is what he's like, then so be it - it's doubtful that you really need his attention badly right there and then, tbh


you'll have to communicate when he's less busy, or date a less ambitious man


maybe he's a cheat. proof?

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no i dont need his attention i always have texted him i love him or have a good day just to let him kno i care but when he left today just happen to be different because i couldnt catch him ,it was about him leaving dishes in our living room , i dont mind cleaning up but i just need him to respect me dont just leave stuff everywhere like im a maid and if i dont say it then i will forget, and he gets deffensive like im trying to fight but thats the farthest from my mind. im pregnant and tired .

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no i dont need his attention i always have texted him i love him or have a good day just to let him kno i care but when he left today just happen to be different because i couldnt catch him ,it was about him leaving dishes in our living room , i dont mind cleaning up but i just need him to respect me dont just leave stuff everywhere like im a maid and if i dont say it then i will forget, and he gets deffensive like im trying to fight but thats the farthest from my mind. im pregnant and tired .


the two underlined statements don't give a uniform message

a maid cleans up, but a tired maid doesn't have to bother, i wouldn't

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