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Coworker Hates Me

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I've been working in an office for 6 months. I get along with my bosses and all of my coworkers except our admin. She hates me and I don't know why. She will not talk to me or even look at me most of the time. I always try to tell myself, well, screw her, she is not important, but nobody likes to be hated, so it does bother me. Don't know what to do here......:(

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I'd ask to have a conversation one on one with her, tell her you noticed there was some tension, is there anything that's bothering her.


I did that once with a girl who acted like a total bitch at work, funny enough, once I confronted her one on one, she pussied out and everything was fine..

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PS: If she still want to be a miserable c*nt, at least you tried. Revenge plan? Be as popular as you can at work.

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Maybe you look like somebody else that she knows and doesn't like.

Maybe some of those nice colleagues who really love you, is talking about you behind your back and said to the admin that you have said something nasty about her.

I agree with AdamParore and Samilia - ask somebody you can trust (and hope its not the person who talks behind your back, if there is any), then depending on the results - talk to the admin. Don't make this the event of the century, better casually.

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PS: If she still want to be a miserable c*nt, at least you tried. Revenge plan? Be as popular as you can at work.


This! You can't control others but you can improve your own position there :)

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this sounds sooo familiar - since you didn't do anything to her, then she probably is just jealous & obviously insecure. just try to say positive things during conversation & kill her with kindness (hard to do but possible) then all of this will eventually get to her because she has nothing on you.

I have worked with many shallow people who hated me for no reason. some of them couldn't stand me just because I went to Starbuck's & ate food they were unfamiliar with. I figured they were just jealous because someone from "this town" was bold enough to have a little culture.

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Maybe she is unhappy at home and how she acts towards you has nothing to do with you. I have worked in some male dominated offices before where there was some harrassment and I got the the point of avoiding everyone and coming off as strange. The truth was I was just tired of certain people and wanted to be left alone.

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Maybe she is unhappy at home and how she acts towards you has nothing to do with you. I have worked in some male dominated offices before where there was some harrassment and I got the the point of avoiding everyone and coming off as strange. The truth was I was just tired of certain people and wanted to be left alone.


There are several men in the office. I'm the only one she treats like this.

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There are several men in the office. I'm the only one she treats like this.


Honestly, so what? It's not about you, it's about her. I work with so many angry, miserable people- and if I took their wretchedness personally, I'd be miserable too.


Don't spend a moment of your energy trying to figure this woman out.

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