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What becomes of the JEALOUS hearted?? :(

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Ok so Im new to the site.....bare with me.....


I'll start by off by telling ya'll my story and hopefully communicate what I'm concerned with clearly..

Well I'm a 20 yr girl, and I've been with my boyfriend Xander for almost 1.5 (he's 25)......

The only way I can really describe what we are is that we fought to be together. We were friends for a couple of months before he realized his feelings for me, at the time he was getting out of a bad relationship, and I was with one of his friends. Although I felt a similar way, I'd want to be faithful to my boyfriend at the moment because to me it was all just feelings then. But it turns out my boyfriend who i thought to be faithful was not. It ended. I was devastated... (as i had been cheated on once before, from my first boyfriend...with my besfriend... so yeah...big insecurity issues)

Xander pursued me, and I responded, but didn't understand what was happening at the time, because all the events that followed our first kiss, it felt we'd created a natural and honest thing between each other. It was totally unexpected, and because i used to date his friend, and his x was friends with all our friends it made the following months a complete nightmare.. anyways so i have never been a jealous person once in my life, not even when i had been lied to and cheated on from my first boyfriend, i was fine, happy to asy the least!

But with Xander I began to feel insecure becuse his x went crazy, tried to kill herself still hasn't ceased contact to him to this day.

It was like a constant battle, i mean i could see he was under a lot of pressure. We'd fight about being together cause we were worried we';d hurt too many people by being happy... so we broke up for a couple months.. which was awful then got back together and it was liek a happier life had been created.. then, i got pregnant.. i decided to not go through with the pregnancy.. it all seemed simple to me, as i had never been through the experience before, or with any friends.

i didn't realize how depressed it would make me afterwards, so for months i've been struggling with feeelings of resentment to myself and him - i've become me by default... jealous and possessive and insecure about absolutely everything. Like even if a pretty girl on tv is naked, and he's watching, i'll lose it because i don't want anything to take him away!... ok so i'm concerned that i can't overcome this jealousy.... is there any ways to do it without professional help>

like can i ween myself off from seeing him to much?


We are so happy living together, its bliss but then i go ruin it with worrying about stuff.. when he hardly gets to see his femle friends anymore... do i need more in my life? other friends? help me!!!! i'm at breaking point!

i don't want to lose my truelove second time

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it will be o.k. :)


You really need to talk to someone about how you're feeling. Perhaps a therapist, a best friend, but especially Xander.


He needs to know what you're going through so that he can help combat your feelings.


Personally, I believe that a little jealousy actually helps out relationships. However, you are definately over board.


Perhaps if you write down all of these feeings in a journal, it will help you get perspective on things.

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thank you so much! I agree with you on the journal, i think perhaps looknig back on it could benefit my own self awareness - and maybe help control how my jealousy is perceived and work on getting over it.

:) Thank you again.

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