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My girlfriend of 4 years tells me that she is in love with me and that I am the love of her life. The problem is that I left my wife and kids for her and she is constantly talking to other guys (presently over 80 guys in 4 years) It is driving me nuts...I have never been a jealous person and now I am the textbook definition of a jealous boyfriend. She wants to get married and states that this fascination with men will stop when we get married. How can I get her to understand that this is the big issue for me and this is what is standing in our way. She doesn’t see it as a problem (like a drug addict stating that "I can stop taking drugs when I want to")

Does a person like this ever change? I love this women despite her having this problem and a not to good attitude to boot, but I am miserable when we are apart. What can I do to get her attention off of other guys?

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It seems like you just have attachment issues. Does not seem like it is about her, but about having someone there period. There is also 2 things called "Karma" and "retribution" and they have both come home to roost. You left your WIFE and KIDS for a woman with a "Not so good attitude"?


She must be really Hot huh? Must have been, but you give her no reason to want you honey. The fact that she was able to pull you away from your family shows her that you are WEAK. Too weak for her to want to commit to, so she continues looking for other men with no intention of settling on you. In short, when you left your family is more than likely when her thrill left.


She knows what you are talking about, but more than likely does not care. Sorry to be harsh, but there is no woman worth dirt that would seriously settle on a man willing to leave his KIDS along with his wife for her.

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