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What's the difference b/t my pending FWB and a relationship?

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I sifted through many-a-FWB posts here and read a good bit attempting to find exactly like mine but none quite the same. I do enjoy the insights thus I figured I'd reach out personally to this community, a lot of knowledgeable people.


My situation: I was looking for a gentleman friend about a year ago (I was 30) and one guy named Everett (age 27) replied to my personal. He told me pretty upfront that he was recently burned, in my mind a red flag went off, but i enjoyed other things about him so let it slide. He said wanted to "ease" into a relationship because of that.. All fine, I understand. He was a big dude and trying to lose weight because it affected his self-esteem.


He wanted to meet up with him and i did we had such a great time -- no sex, etc. We just talked. he said I was great to talk to. and I felt the same about him. We talked and talked and talked. Now this was still about a year or so ago.. I ended up letting him go because I met someone else that forthrightly wanted a relationship. Btw, Everett and me never actually did the deed.


Everett and myself have resumed talking and... i just honestly recall looking back that this guy does meet my needs of being a friend, having an emotional connection (we talk all day, everyday)...he says i can call him anytime if I'm down, etc (and he means it -- he'd answer!) he's always complimenting, I love how he's so respectful, etc etc. I mean just the wonderful connection we had back then, awesome!


The reason I'm entertaining this idea with him currently is because I'm at a stand still. I crave someone to be close to but haven't had much luck with romantic relationships and enjoy the easygoingness as a FWB. However, I would definitely love a true relationship someday.


I'm a wise enough lady to know if the other person isn't making a big hoo-hah out of a commitment and they say to me they're looking for something "intimate that could lead into a relationship" psft, yeh the rough translation of that is FWB, correct?


I know I'm just as defunct as him so I believe since we get along well every other level it could definitely be a great beginning. We work out from time-to-time but he asked if i want to go to dinner with him. Honestly, I'm not sure. I'd love a relationship. but... that's a relationship thing within something that is NOT a relationship right? Don't want getting the wires crossed. Would be more confusing to me... especially after I think our friendship is already emotionally laced enough. I just, for once... think I've found someone I can trust and just talk to on a basis where he doesn't scold me and say "why dont you do this with you life? why not that..." and it's laid-back. i can just BE and not stress. I trust everything he's told me. He super open.. and actually also not only sweet but very courteous.


So people.. what's the deal here? It seems a FWB a lot of people either a f*** and run or are friends that have sex but not relationship type things with emotions/feelings & such. So what will my situation be? And would anyone have an idea of why he seems to put so much effort into it with me, if he doesn't want a relationship?

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I know how you must feel. It is very painful to have something special and then it just dissapear. I had the same thing happen to me. Even though she still kinda talks to me I can feel a total disconnect and that throws me into emotional turmoil. Even though I'm a guy I cannot tell you how to get him back. It is possible he is on a trip but he prob would have told you that. I'm sorry. I hope you will be better. I'm just trying not to go to the store for razor blades at this point.

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